来源:http://ppt.cc/Chu0 内容: The New York Yankees have hired Hideki Matsui as a special adviser to general manager Brian Cashman. 据报导,纽约洋基已经聘请“酷斯拉”松井秀喜为Cashman的特别顾问 Matsui, in the full-time position, will work closely with Cashman and player d evelopment vice president Gary Denbo. 而酷斯拉主要则是跟着Cahman和洋基球员发展部副总裁Gary Denbo一起工作 He will spend the majority of 2015 traveling throughout the Yankees' minor lea gue system, focusing on aspects of hitting with the club's managers, batting c oaches and players. 酷斯拉主要将重点放在小联盟系统,并在打击方面和教练团以及球员进行交流。