uranusjr (â†é€™äººæ˜¯è¶…級笨蛋)
2013-01-13 21:02:37无聊来翻个对照组
※ 引述《Stopper (Stopper)》之铭言:
: http://www.sportsgulp.net/?p=10591
: Bobby Valentine Blasts Hall of Fame Voters,
: Says Fans Should Be a Part of the Voting
Bobby Valentine 抨击名人堂票选人, 认为球迷应在票选过程有一席之地
: January 11, 2013
: Plenty of people have questioned the Hall of Fame and its voting process over
: the years and especially the last couple days as no player was voted in on
: Wednesday. But this might be the strongest opinion on the entire thing that I
: ’ve heard yet as former MLB manager Bobby Valentine puts sportswriters and
: Hall of Fame voters on blast, while claiming that Barry Bonds and Roger
: Clemens should be voted in and questioning if Greg Maddux will get an
: asterisk due to bad pitches being called strikes.
近年来, 已有不少人对名人堂及其票选程序提出质疑, 而自从周三没有任何球员被选入
的事件后, 这种状况更胜以往。但前大联盟教头 Bobby Valentine 对运动作家与名人
堂票选人的抨击, 可能是我到目前为止所听过最强烈的。他不但主张 Barry Bonds 与
Roger Clemens 应该被选入, 更质疑 Greg Maddux 是否应该因为一些坏球被判为好球
: Bobby Valentine joined ESPN Radio Las Vegas with Gridlock to discuss his
: surprise that no players were voted into the Hall of Fame, why writers should
: no longer be in charge of the voting, why fans should be a part of it, which
: player was the most snubbed, if Craig Biggio belongs in the Hall of Fame and
: next year’s ballot that will include Greg Maddux and Tom Glavine.
Bobby Valentine 应 ESPN Radio Las Vegas 的邀请, 与 Gridlock 一同讨论他针对没
之地、哪些球员被贬低的最严重、Craig Biggio 是否属于名人堂、以及明年包含 Greg
Maddux 与 Tom Glavine 的选票。
: Were you surprised that no player was elected into the Hall of Fame on
: Wednesday?:
: “The reporters must have been at the computer and electronics show that you
: guys have going on out there in Vegas, and they must have got their wires
: mixed up. I was a little shocked, yeah. I think greatness should be respected
: and acknowledged as greatness.”
“这些记者肯定是去了你们这边搞的那个什么电脑电子秀, 而且肯定是把脑子给电坏
了。对啦, 我是有点惊讶。我认为伟人应该被尊敬, 且被认可为伟人。”
: Do you think that writers should be in charge of that vote?:
: “No, I don’t think the writers should be in charge of anything, as a matter
: of fact. … I think you should have had been at games, should have some kind
: of credible knowledge of what’s going on during the era of which you’re
: voting. … I guess to vote, all you need to do is have 10 consecutive years
: as a sportswriter. Some of these guys haven’t been at a ballpark in 20
: years, some of them haven’t turned on the TV in 10, and yet they have a
: vote. I don’t get any of that. When they were in charge of this sanctuary,
: they were in charge because they were the only ones to view the games live.
就能投嘛, 对吧。这里面有些人根本二十年没去过球场, 有些根本十年没看转播, 可是
他们还是能投票。根本就没道理好吗?以前那个年代, 是因为他们是唯一看过现场比赛
的人, 才把他们选为这个圣殿的老大的啊。
: They were the only ones in St. Louis to watch Stan Musial; they were the only
: ones in New York Polo Grounds to watch Willie Mays. Now everyone watches and
: everyone has an opinion on it and that voting should be given to those who
: pass a test before they vote.”
只有他们在圣路易看过 Stan Musial 打球; 只有他们在纽约的马球球场看过 Willie
Mays 打球。这年头大家都能看球, 大家都有自己的看法, 所以要能投票, 应该至少要
: If the fans should be part of the vote:
: “It’s the fans of the future that we’re handing over the game to and we’
: re handing these Hall of Fame inductees to. I think that they should have
: some kind of voice. I’m not sure how you regulate that and how you make that
: happen, either. The world is closing in on us and the information age that we
: ’ve lived in and now the computer age that we’re living in will solve all
: those problems.”
发言权。我不太确定这应该怎么规范, 也对执行方式不太有概念。不过现在这个资讯时
代, 我们与世界的距离一直在缩短, 现在这个电脑时代会解决这些问题。
: Who do you think got snubbed the most of this year’s potential inductees?:
就今年的潜在成员而言, 你觉得谁被抢最大?
: “Barry Bonds is the best player I’ve ever seen play. How can he not be in
: the Hall of Fame? It just goes against thought and reason. And Clemens, if you
: ’re supposed to dominate and era and that’s going to be your ticket to
: fame, I don’t think anyone dominated their era like Roger did. If you’re
: the best at your position, and you have a catcher who accumulated the
: statistics that Mike Piazza did as a catcher, or a second baseman who got
: 3,000 hits, how do you keep these guys out? I don’t get it.”
“Barry Bonds 是我看过最厉害的球员。名人堂不选他是什么道理?这根本不合逻辑。
还有 Clemens, 如果你能称霸你的世代, 应该就能为你拿到名人堂的入场券, 而我不认
为那个世代有任何人拥有比他更强的宰制力。如果你是你那个位置的最佳球员, 如果你
能在捕手这个位置累积到 Mike Piazza 的那个成绩, 或者身为二垒手打到三千安, 怎
: Biggio’s numbers aren’t off the charts, but he did it for so long. So in
: your eyes, he’s a Hall of Famer?:
Biggio 没有那种突破天际的成绩, 可是维持了这么长的时间。所以就你的看法, 他是
: “Again, it’s the Hall of Records, and 3,000 hits is one of those goals.
: Everybody with 3,000 hits, except for, I guess, the guy with the most hits in
: the history of the game, Pete Rose, and Barry Bonds, are in the Hall of Fame.
: So how can he not be?”
“我之前说过, 这是纪录堂, 而三千安就是标的之一。每个三千安的人, 除了我猜历史
上安打最多的那个, Pete Rose, 还有 Barry Bonds, 除了他们之外所有人都进名人堂
: Next year, Tom Glavine and Greg Maddux make the ballot. They’ve got to make
: it right away, right?:
明年 Tom Glavine 和 Greg Maddux 都会在选票上。他们马上就会进吧?
: “Yeah, great statistics. They pitched in the umpire-widened-strike zone era.
: Are we going to put an asterisk because those pitches that were outside were
: called strikes? It gets ridiculous the more you look at things and the more
: you wonder why we do things here, the more you have to question this. They
: should definitely be in, Maddux for sure.”
“嗯, 成绩是很棒啦。他们是在好球带放宽的世代投球。我们应该因为他们有些好球带
外面的球被判好球而给他们一个星号吗?你想得越多, 这整件事就越荒谬, 而你越思考
我们做事的方法, 就会越来越质疑这件事。他们当然应该进, 尤其 Maddux。”
其实除了 20 年没看球那段之外都翻的 OK 了, 只是有点精简