[外电] Clemens verdict: Not guilty

楼主: JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)   2012-06-19 09:09:05
Roger Clemens verdict: Not guilty on all six counts
By Kevin Kaduk
After eight weeks, 46 witnesses, two dozing jurors and an estimated $2
million-$3 million spent in taxpayer money, the Roger Clemens trial has
finally come to a close.
The verdict: Not guilty on three counts of making false statements, not
guilty on two counts of perjury and not guilty on one count of obstruction.
The charges stemmed from testimony that Clemens made in February 2008,
telling a Congressional committee that he had never taken steroids or HGH.
Prosecutors also alleged that Clemens intentionally made false statements
that misled investigators.
Clemens faced a maximum sentence of 30 years and a $1.5 million fine if he
had been convicted on all six counts, but he instead made out better than
Barry Bonds. The all-time career home runs leader was hit with one charge of
obstruction — but sentenced to no jail time — in his own perjury case.
Both Clemens and Bonds will hit the Hall of Fame ballot for the first time
this winter and it's likely that neither will walk away happy with the
results. Whether you agree with their stance or not, Cooperstown's voters
carry a much lower burden of proof when it comes to the evidence that both
used performance-enhancing drugs during their careers.
But like Bonds, Clemens benefited from the reasonable-doubt standard that's
applied in a federal courtroom. Despite staging an exhaustive trial, federal
prosecutors were unable to build a convincing case. Nor were they able to
defeat the doubts that the defense raised about the motives and integrity of
former Clemens trainer Brian McNamee.
So that's that. While we'll argue forever about the merits of the nation's
lawmakers getting involved with baseball's steroid era, Clemens has escaped
the legal process with no major damage except for a sizable lawyer bill.
He'll face much more public scrutiny going forward, of course, but this trial
was really never going to have any impact on the court of public opinion.
Your view of Clemens before this verdict is probably the same as your view
UPDATE: The U.S Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia has released
the following statement:
"The jury has spoken in this matter and we thank them for their service. We
respect the judicial process and the jury's verdict. The U.S. Attorney's
Office also wishes to thank the investigators and prosecutors, who pursued
this case with tremendous dedication and professionalism after its referral
to us from Congress."
大意: 对Clemens的六项指控全数被判无罪 但他的HOF之路?
在最高位的人 不先对内订订规则 反而请前参议员先调查 这想法也满特殊的]
[如果要探讨吃HCG等 有无道德之议题 又是另一个讨论面象了]
对了记得以ERA+来看 Clemens似乎是近代最强投手没有之一 XD
毕竟生涯有2场单场20K(还相隔10年 XD)
作者: Sechslee (キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━!!)   2012-06-19 09:14:00
作者: bgp915117 (Utley)   2012-06-19 09:14:00
作者: waiani (Esne)   2012-06-19 09:34:00
作者: prereality (大鼠买一送一)   2012-06-19 09:43:00
作者: zino0310 (想对妳说不该说低话)   2012-06-19 09:44:00
看来名人堂稳进了 毕竟是一代强投 又有法院背书!
作者: alex710707 (PonWei)   2012-06-19 09:45:00
史上先发ERA+最强的是神右 但火箭总局数比Pedro多一半
作者: fetoyeh (小叶)   2012-06-19 09:54:00
黑掉了 我觉得有点难 虽然他大概还没Bonds黑
作者: waiani (Esne)   2012-06-19 09:56:00
HOF有点疑虑 毕竟以高道德标准来说目前用药者都暂时很难
作者: windingday (( ̄▽ ̄)~*)   2012-06-19 09:57:00
有*星号的 都先暂时缓缓 但火箭真的猛
作者: krajicek (回忆比真实精彩)   2012-06-19 10:09:00
作者: krajicek (回忆比真实精彩)   2012-06-19 10:10:00
Big Mac 过去几年的得票率就是目前的一个指标
作者: HXZ   2012-06-19 10:13:00
无罪至少就还有希望 不过大概要等很久才勉强进吧
作者: waiani (Esne)   2012-06-19 10:15:00
很难说 有年限限制下投票者想法不改变的话机会越来越少
作者: waiani (Esne)   2012-06-19 10:16:00
看BigMac每年的得票率就知道不妙 但难保哪一年会突然暴冲
作者: maxLOVEmimi (touch Me!!)   2012-06-19 10:22:00
投票的都是老一辈的 可能也不管法院判的怎样...
作者: melancholy (再见,总有一天)   2012-06-19 10:34:00
当年刚开始看 MLB 时 第一个喜欢的球员就是火箭
作者: melancholy (再见,总有一天)   2012-06-19 10:35:00
他扯入禁药疑云时还感到难过 =(
作者: henry32021   2012-06-19 10:53:00
作者: lions402 (...)   2012-06-19 11:06:00
BIG MAC都很危险了
作者: fuan791013 (五成七八)   2012-06-19 12:17:00
作者: JackSmith (梦对我来说是陌生的名词)   2012-06-19 12:19:00
作者: kee32 (终于毕业了)   2012-06-19 12:30:00
作者: melancholy (再见,总有一天)   2012-06-19 12:47:00
不知道老派跟老火箭之间的友情还在不在... @@
作者: popoliii (婊子的男人)   2012-06-19 12:56:00
楼上 应该是不在了 ._.
作者: JacqueJones (她依然很美)   2012-06-19 16:29:00
法院认证等不等于BBWAA认证 等明年年初就知道了
作者: borriss (松)   2012-06-19 21:10:00
Bonds没*之前 媒体关系就不好.. 黑很久了..
作者: magicagar (收起来)   2012-06-19 23:41:00
说到单场20K 一定要提到.....
作者: sft005 (WTF)   2012-06-20 01:27:00
作者: redplum (LIVESTRONG)   2012-06-20 20:44:00
哀 这项运动被搞成这样....
作者: MongolSoul (騎豪豬 逛沙漠)   2012-06-20 23:12:00
可以进强人堂 不该近名人堂<<<模范生名人堂是要看名誉的
作者: tsming (断水流大师兄)   2012-06-22 23:53:00
Selig sucks

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