Re: 2012 Five questions: Miami Marlins(上)

楼主: KusoPvt (先说好别打脸)   2012-03-08 01:33:20
: 理想的先发打线不会和预测的一样。
: 如果让 Reyes 开路,Bonifacio 紧随,Hanley、Stanton、LoMo 负责三四五棒
: 就可以得到一个兼具速度、力量、上垒的五连星
: RotoChamp 预测,这个后有 Gaby Sanchez、John Buck、Infante、投手的打线
: 将会有前段的成绩
: 不过他们恐怕有更好的组合方式
: 1 Ramirez Ramirez
: 2 Coghlan Reyes
: 3 Sanchez Morrison
: 4 Stanton Stanton
: 5 Morrison Sanchez
: 6 Reyes Bonifacio
: 7 Infante Buck
: 8 Buck Infante
: This is on the basis of lineup optimization findings by Tom Tango, eloquently
: stated by “PGP” on a 2011 DRaysBay blog post:
: 这是根据 Tom Tango 所研究出的最佳化打线而来
: “In a nutshell, Tango's analysis suggests that the first two slots should go
: to good OBP hitters (who are also good quality overall), the fourth and fifth
: are the next most important and should go to good power hitters, and the 3-hole
: should go to a home-run hitter who might not necessarily have the best OBP.
: From then on, descending order of hitter quality is a good idea. The general
: order of hitter quality according to this is something like 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6,
: 7, 8, 9 although obviously there is differing emphasis at different lineup
: spots.”
: 简单讲,Tango 的研究建议前两棒最好是高上垒率的球员(甚至整体评价都好的)
: 四五两棒最重要,所以应该摆上长打者;
: 三番是全垒打制造机,但不一定需要最好的上垒率
: 按照球员的能力从前面往下排棒次是个不错的主意
: 依据 Tango 的研究,最理想的顺序大概是长这样:1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9
: 即使每一个棒次强调的特性都不太一样
1、2 两棒摆上垒率最高,甚至是最好的球员可以理解
有没有哪位大大可以分享Tom Tango的这个研究?
作者: abc0922001 (中士abc)   2012-03-08 02:04:00

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