I agree with Ryan Braun.
Who wouldn't? When he held his victory press conference a few days ago, after
winning his appeal of his 50-game drug suspension, Braun said, "This is my
livelihood, this is my integrity, this is my character, this is everything
I've worked for in my life being called into question. We need to make sure
that we get it right."
He was eloquent, impassioned and absolutely correct. This is why I consider
him innocent. In the eyes of the system, he was not guilty, even though the
people who run the system are livid about it.
If we're talking about impugning a man's livelihood, his integrity, his
character, we need something solid, right?
And this is why Braun needs to clarify his remarks now. He needs to explain
what he meant when he took a shot at test-sample collector Dino Laurenzi
Jr.'s livelihood, his integrity, his character