[情报] Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooote(更新)

楼主: JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)   2011-07-29 09:39:50
Pence交易有新进展 3.有update
1. Storen may remain in Nationals
A baseball source told Bill Ladson of MLB.com that the Nationals are not
willing to trade closer Drew Storen to the Twins for center fielder Denard
This shoots down a report by Ken Rosenthal of FOXSports.com, though Ladson
notes that the Nationals are scouting Span, B.J. Upton, Peter Bourjos and
Michael Bourn as potential upgrades over Roger Bernadina in center field. For
what it's worth, the source tells Ladson that Nationals general manager Mike
Rizzo would prefer to trade for Upton.
因为CF真的是个洞..... B.J似乎是目前看起来最可能的
2. Carlos Quentin may trade ???
According to Joel Sherman of the New York Post, Carlos Quentin is now
expected to be dealt.
The White Sox are still very much in contention in the American League
Central, however, so it's going to take a serious package of talent to lure
them into a trade. Quentin, 28, has a solid .863 OPS and 20 home runs in 96
games this season. The Braves, thus far, have been his most active suitor,
but the Phillies are also known to have interest.
还在美中有竞争力的白袜 要卖Quentin ???
3. Hunter Pence be traded by sunday ??? (Update)
FOX Sports' Jon Paul Morosi heard from a source Thursday that it's "more
likely than not" outfielder Hunter Pence is traded by Sunday's July 31 trade
The Astros have been asking the moon for Pence to this point and may have to
lower those expectations some to pull off a deal, but there's enough
interest. The Phillies, Braves and Red Sox are known to be intrigued by the
28-year-old outfielder, and some experts suspect that another several clubs
could be in the running.
才说不会卖 不协调传球界强者Pence 现在好像看起来会卖了???
费城人 勇士 红袜都是追求者 似乎还有其他队伍也在询问
update http://tinyurl.com/3k5ot7d
Phils making progress toward Pence
The Phillies are making progress in their efforts to acquire Astros right
fielder Hunter Pence, but there is a caveat, according to major-league
The teams will need to reach agreement by Friday, or the Astros will move on
to other suitors — including the Phillies’ NL East rival, the Braves.
The package going from Philadelphia to Houston for Pence would include Class
A right-hander Jarred Cosart and Class A first baseman Jonathan Singleton,
sources said.
目前知道包含球员有 Jarred Cosart和Jonathan Singleton (抱歉没研究费城农场)
The teams, however, continue to haggle about a third and possibly fourth
player in the deal. Phillies outfielder Domonic Brown is not currently in the
trade, according to one source; the Astros prefer younger prospects.
MLB-ready Domonic Brown(多摩君)似乎不包含在此交易内
The Braves are placing “more restrictions” on the prospects they would
move, one source said. The Reds, Red Sox and other clubs are also waiting on
a resolution in the Astros’ talks with the Phillies.
斧头对于交易新秀 有所底线(不愿放弃太多新秀)
红人 肥袜和其他球队 正等著看太色人对于费城人的开价反应
The deadline for completing trades without waivers is Sunday at 4 p.m. ET. If
the Astros fail to reach agreement with the Phillies, they will either trade
Pence to another club or keep him for the rest of the season and renew their
efforts to move him this winter.
交易大限快到了 如果太色人没跟费城人完成交易
会尝试再跟其他球队交手 不行的话就自用囉(这段根本是废话....)
Meanwhile, neither the Rangers nor the Angels are seriously pursuing Pence at
this time.
条子 天使似乎对Pence没兴趣
The Astros also are pursuing trades for center fielder Michael Bourn and
left-hander Wandy Rodriguez, but those talks are not as advanced as the team’
s discussions on Pence, sources said.
此外 太色人也打算卖W-Rod跟Bourn 但是他们似乎偏好先把Pence卖走
4. Ludwick not in lineup Thursday
Ryan Ludwick is not in the starting lineup for Thursday's game against the
There's nothing official yet, but the San Diego Union-Tribune is hearing
rumblings that "a trade could be going down." Jon Heyman of SI.com reported
this morning that the Phillies, Braves, Reds and Indians were all pursuing
the 33-year-old outfielder. There's a good chance he'll be dealt before the
July 31 deadline.
5. Aramis Ramirez might waive no-trade clause
Aramis Ramirez hinted Thursday that he might be open to waiving his no-trade
A-Ram had previously stated that he would not waive the no-trade clause this
month because of family reasons, but he reversed course a bit on Thursday
afternoon. "Nobody wants me, man. They want good players," said the third
baseman. "If they come to me with a trade, we’ll see. But nobody has talked
to me about it." The Angels were known to have interest a few weeks ago.
A.拉米隐约要放弃no-trade clause
是要交易的前兆??? 拉米还说:反正没人要我啦
6. Brewers doing 'background work' on Furcal
According to Ken Rosenthal of FOXSports.com, the Brewers are "doing
background work" on Dodgers' shortstop Rafael Furcal.
The Brewers also have interest in Jamey Carroll, though the Dodgers would
prefer to deal one or the other, not both. According to Jayson Stark of
ESPN.com, the division-rival Giants have also checked in on the availability
of Furcal.
在Weeks受伤后 酒鬼已向光芒交易F.Lopez
7. Rangers in 'substantive' talks for Heath Bell
Ken Rosenthal of FOXSports.com reports that the Rangers are engaged in
"substantive" talks for Padres' closer Heath Bell.
The Rangers were briefly involved in trade talks for Carlos Beltran, but they
now appear to be focused primarily on upgrading their bullpen. Rangers
president Nolan Ryan and manager Ron Washington both questioned the drive of
closer Neftali Feliz on Wednesday, which is an indication that they could be
on the lookout for an upgrade.
条子牛棚再升级??? 丧钟大叔(误)会到德州吗???
8. Coco Crisp trade ???
ESPN's Buster Olney reports that the Braves have had "internal discussions"
about Coco Crisp.
The Braves have been craving consistent production in center field all
season, and Crisp might be able to provide it if used correctly. The
31-year-old speedster has batted .280/.322/.412 this season against
right-handed hitters.
拳王这季打得不错 斧头想增加开路先锋 似乎是个不错的选择 ???
Pence Quentin Willingham 也名列其中 斧头要冲了?
9. Hiroki Kuroda
Joel Sherman of the New York Post reports that the Yankees remain in regular
contact with the Dodgers about Hiroki Kuroda.
The Yankees are uncomfortable with the high price tag attached to Ubaldo
Jimenez, but because of the uncertainty in their starting rotation, they are
"reviewing all options." Kuroda is comfortable in Los Angeles and told AJ
Cassavell of MLB.com following Wednesday's game (through a translator) that
he "can't fathom wearing another uniform." It's not yet clear if he would be
willing to waive his no-trade clause to pitch for a contender.
NYY对于U-Ball的过高要价以及CC可能在季后逃脱 感到不安
而黑田相当稳定 但黑田似乎相当习惯在躲人的日子
10. Rich Harden to NYY or BOS ???
According to FOX Sports' Ken Rosenthal, the Yankees and Red Sox scouted Rich
Harden on Thursday.
Harden impressed all onlookers, allowing only three hits and two runs in six
innings of work against the Rays. He struck out seven. Both the Sawx and
Yankees are hoping to upgrade the back end of their starting rotations at
this year's trade deadline.
看来NYY还是担心今年SP的乐透会过期 外加Hughes相当不稳
作者: chancewen (闲人乱逛)   2011-07-29 09:42:00
作者: nbahoop (我难过的是...)   2011-07-29 09:43:00
作者: chaohsiu (蔡阿砲)   2011-07-29 09:44:00
Werth真的签太贵了,过往的成绩并不值这个价 = =
作者: rexseraphim (Rex)   2011-07-29 09:45:00
作者: sdfsonic (S音)   2011-07-29 09:45:00
剩两天了 会不会有什么大交易呢???
作者: FatalLuna (风の恋)   2011-07-29 09:46:00
作者: oldeight2009 (老八傳奇 傳奇是我)   2011-07-29 09:48:00
我看Pence卖掉 大空人真的就要破纪录了
作者: chancewen (闲人乱逛)   2011-07-29 09:49:00
作者: mdfh (您真内行)   2011-07-29 09:49:00
改标题推 XD
作者: Homura (虎斑街猫˙Rebirth)   2011-07-29 09:50:00
旧纪录是40-120 太色人今年不可能破的
作者: rioslo (变态,肥宅,绅士)   2011-07-29 09:50:00
我数了 有29个.....
作者: mchardy (请叫我阿宅)   2011-07-29 09:59:00
作者: wen8499 (orange)   2011-07-29 10:15:00
作者: aibakoji (废柴打线抖抖牛棚)   2011-07-29 10:18:00
跟谁说好的(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
作者: jason12308 (皇家礼炮21年)   2011-07-29 10:18:00
作者: lahugh (you must die)   2011-07-29 10:24:00
作者: ChiroQQ (Chiro)   2011-07-29 10:32:00
作者: c0422kimo (失意人)   2011-07-29 10:34:00
作者: c0422kimo (失意人)   2011-07-29 10:35:00
作者: OoyaoO (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)   2011-07-29 10:35:00
作者: beareyes (熊眼)   2011-07-29 10:37:00
黑田习惯投得好却拿一堆败投的日子 (误
作者: caku0101 (Be the best)   2011-07-29 10:47:00
作者: sjvious (LoveIsSweetMisery)   2011-07-29 10:53:00
Felipe Lopez..旧爱还是最美~ PenCe去BOS 或 PHI 吧!!
作者: Sechslee (キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━!!)   2011-07-29 10:55:00
色人连Pence都卖 那是要以谁为中心重建啊?
作者: TKWdEmoN (遗憾和眷恋)   2011-07-29 11:00:00
作者: Bagwell5 (普雷波儿)   2011-07-29 11:09:00
作者: vying (想念)   2011-07-29 11:10:00
作者: honey4617912 (h.4)   2011-07-29 11:23:00
没农场也没球星 简朴化??
作者: ddtcd (专注)   2011-07-29 11:41:00
黑肥已经被Dororo了 杯具
作者: maxspeed150 (听说茉夏分手了)   2011-07-29 11:41:00
黑肥薪水像球星 近两年表现像AAAA咖
作者: summitstudio (第凡斯米德费尔德)   2011-07-29 12:00:00
作者: wtt168 (得I20=burn $$$$$$$$$$$$)   2011-07-29 12:08:00
作者: leoturkey (灰ㄍㄟ)   2011-07-29 12:50:00
作者: testu (天若有情 Orz...)   2011-07-29 12:55:00
不是真的怕PENCE被卖掉 而是怕他被贱卖+换一堆OX
楼主: JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)   2011-07-29 12:56:00
可以转喔 但是你最好修改一下XD 很多跟费城人无关
作者: leoturkey (灰ㄍㄟ)   2011-07-29 12:58:00
作者: geneaven (geneaven)   2011-07-29 13:02:00
作者: chen1943 (Xavier)   2011-07-29 13:40:00
近几年来会注意到太空人也是因为Pence 竟然要把人才卖了
作者: bluetory99 (BLUETORY)   2011-07-29 14:53:00
作者: ICHIKAWAYUI (-CC-)   2011-07-29 15:05:00

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