Re: [闲聊] 功夫熊猫

楼主: accprote (宗痛好酸灵)   2011-03-28 00:34:54
※ 引述《Motownjunk ( )》之铭言:
: Pablo Sandoval 痛定思痛,发愿戒除汉堡王等一切速食店,
: 祈祷能找回他的神力;春天以前,据传他已减掉30磅……
: 以上新闻,春训营中早就沸沸扬扬,原本想,大概就是一般每年春训都会有的
: " I Have a best shape in my life now. "
: 开幕以后,常又是另一个故事了。
: 但今天点开巨人与游骑兵的春训比赛,功夫熊猫怎么消失了?
: 黑色球衣,48号,喔,上场了……
: 不会吧,这简直是——
: 功夫山猫
: 对照:发胖熊猫时期
: 我要认真考虑FB交易他了
Pablo Sandoval is hoping for a bounce-back season after dropping 45 pounds
this winter.
He claims his 5-foot-11 frame is currently carrying 237 pounds.
"It's like it's not me," said Sandoval of his old self. "I tell myself,
'Damn, bro, I was fat.' "
He is trimmer, believes his bat is quicker and knows his defense is better.
"I lost control last year," Sandoval said. "Everything that happened ..."
In addition to his on-field struggles, he also dealt with a number of
personal issues including a divorce and custody battle.
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作者: EEERRIICC (大尾魯蛇)   2011-03-28 00:39:00
隔那么久了 多减个15P也很合逻辑
作者: decorum (Festina Lente)   2011-03-28 00:39:00
作者: tigertiger (虎虎)   2011-03-28 00:41:00
offseason有四个月 减个40磅不算快吧?
作者: jaysuzuki (我要成为核心王)   2011-03-28 01:01:00
作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2011-03-28 02:36:00
CC+Pablo 两个人冬天瘦下来的体重量可能比燕姿体重还重
作者: sylviehsiang (Shawn)   2011-03-28 03:34:00
哈哈 在mlb板也能看到燕姿这名词

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