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作者: Zamned (扎姆德) 看板: Cubs
标题: [情报] Ron Santo dead at 70
时间: Fri Dec 3 22:13:39 2010
Legendary Chicago Cubs player and broadcaster Ron Santo died Thursday night
in Arizona. He was 70.
知名小熊队打者兼小熊播报员Ron Santo于礼拜四晚间病逝享年70。
Friends of Santo's family said the North Side icon lapsed into a coma on
Wednesday before dying Thursday. Santo died of complications from bladder
cancer, WGN-AM 720 reported.
Santo家族的亲近友人表示;Ron Santo在周三陷入昏迷,因为癌症病发于周四逝世。
"He absolutely loved the Cubs," said Santo's broadcast partner, Pat Hughes.
"The Cubs have lost their biggest fan."
播报搭档Pat Hughes;"Ron Santo热爱小熊......今天小熊队失去一个伟大的粉丝。"
Hughes noted that with all the medical problems Santo had