Re: [情报] Baseball America: 2010 Top 20 Prospects

楼主: alex710707 (PonWei)   2009-12-25 00:26:12
: 6. Brian Matusz, LHP, Orioles
: Why he's here: The minors' most polished pitching prospect threw 40-plus
: innings in the majors and showed impressive secondary stuff and a feel for
: changing speeds.
: What he'll be: If Matusz keeps hitters honest enough with his fastball, he
: could give the Orioles their best starting pitcher since Mike Mussina's
: departure.
: When he arrives: He already did last year, but in 2010 Matusz will get to play
: a support role to veteran Kevin Millwood.
小联盟成熟度最高的投手 在大联盟投超过40局 有很好的武器球
不怕用速球跟打者硬碰 自从目吸那离队以后 最好的先发投手 已经上了大联盟
2010将会扮演Kevin Millwood的支援角色
: 7. Pedro Alvarez, 3B, Pirates
: Why he's here: When Alvarez gets hot, he goes nuclear. He has impressive power
: and can go on home run binges, and he still is athletic enough to play a
: capable third base early in his career.
: What he'll be: Alvarez has a chance to follow the Jim Thome career path as an
: early-career power-hitting third baseman who eventually settles in as a mashing
: first baseman.
: When he arrives: Not soon enough for the Pirates, who could use some pizzazz.
: Alvarez looked capable in Double-A but might have his arbitration clock delay
: his big league debut until midway through 2010.
当他状况好的时候 就像核子弹一样!!!令人印象深刻的怪力 !!狂打全垒打!!
预估生涯早期可以当三垒手 但是就会像老汤米一样 早年是强打三垒手 后来会转一垒
: 8. Neftali Feliz, RHP, Rangers
: Why he's here: Feliz has one of baseball's quickest, most electric arms, and
: showed it off when he first was called up to the major leagues last August.
: What he'll be: The big question with Feliz is his ultimate role. Before tiring
: down the stretch last year, Feliz showed he could be an impact relief arm, and
: his feel for his secondary stuff comes and goes. The Rangers see that easy
: upper-90s gas, though, and see a starter.
: When he arrives: Feliz is expected to break camp in 2010 in Texas' rotation. It
: might take a while for him to truly arrive as a starter, as was the case for
: flamethrowers such as Edwin Jackson and A.J. Burnett.
这小子拥有充满电力的快速手臂 去年8月就已经展现给大家看了 比较争议的是他未来
角色 他展现出至少会是具影响力的牛 但是武器球还不稳定 基于有95M以上的速球
条子把他定位为先发 2010年会让他慢慢去适应先发 会是类似爱德恩.杰克森或是AJ
: 9. Buster Posey, C, Giants
: Why he's here: The 2008 College Player of the Year, Posey combines athletic
: ability and hitting prowess with playing a premium position.
: What he'll be: Remember Russell Martin before Joe Torre played him 150 games a
: year? Posey may not have Martin's fiery leadership, but he'll be a similar
: catcher with better hitting ability.
: When he arrives: As soon as he shows he can receive effectively for pitchers
: such as Brian Wilson and Matt Cain, who have premium velocity. Then he'll have
: to take it up another notch to handle Tim Lincecum.
2008年的College Player of the Year 运动能力佳 打击好防守也好的捕手..
或许他没有Russell Martin的领导力 但是打击更好..(真好用..) 当他证明够格当
Brian Wilson and Matt Cain的捕手时 他就会上MLB 并且下一步再升级去练习接
林盲肠的投球..(如果他跟林盲肠合体成功..搞不好能媲美 当年明星赛PEDRO跟PUDGE
的搭配..真是这样的话 虽然不是巨人迷 我会高兴死.)
: 10. Madison Bumgarner, LHP, Giants
: Why he's here: No pitcher has had Bumgarner's sheer results the last two
: seasons, when he went 27-5. He did it in 2009 with diminished velocity but it
: didn't seem to matter as he mowed down Double-A competition at 19.
: What he'll be: Bumgarner's mound presence and ability to pitch off his fastball
: evokes Cliff Lee. He has similar mound presence and could match Lee if he
: regains some of his slider's lost bite.
: When he arrives: The Giants have enough other rotation options to keep
: Bumgarner on the farm for at least part of 2010, and perhaps until late in the
: season, when he could get another bullpen cameo.
上两季投出27胜5败的好成绩 2009年即使球速消失 但是在2A的成绩还是不受影响
类似小李飞刀的投手并且足以跟他媲美 如果滑球投好的话..(有谁能解释他球速为
何消失吗? 这小子长起来的话 巨人三巨头真的是...) 巨人的赛扬轮值让他可以好好在
农场修练 或许季末会让他到牛棚客串
: 11. Carlos Santana, C, Indians
: Why he's here: The Indians just got rid of a switch-hitting, offensive-minded
: catcher with offensive upside in Victor Martinez. Santana is nowhere near the
: polished hitter that Martinez was in Cleveland, but his patient, powerful
: approach should prove there's more than one way to get it done.
: What he'll be:: A catcher with 20-homer ability who draws plenty of walks and
: can control the running game usually makes a few All-Star games.
: When he arrives: Lou Marson, acquired from the Phillies in the Cliff Lee trade,
: should hold down the fort for most of 2010, but Santana could hit his way past
: Marson sooner than later.
印地安人刚把能左右开弓的攻击型捕手V MART丢出 虽然他跟成熟度高的V MART
打击有一段差距 但是耐心跟力量也是不差 未来一个能打20轰又能够靠四坏球上垒
也能控制比赛的进行 并且会有几次入选明星赛(这样会差MART到哪里吗..)
从小李飞刀交易案得来的MARSON会占住大部分2010的捕手位置 但是山塔那迟早会超越他..
: 12. Justin Smoak, 1B, Rangers
: Why he's here: A switch-hitter from the South, Smoak looks a bit like Chipper
: Jones at the plate with his stance and mannerisms. He has a chance to hit like
: Jones, too, with consistency, polish and power.
: What he'll be: Smoak doesn't quite have Mark Teixeira's explosive power, but
: he's a similar-caliber hitter and defender. He just needs to add a bit of
: polish and figure out how to turn on inside pitches.
: When he arrives: With Hank Blalock out of the picture, the first-base job is
: open in Texas. While Smoak has competition, he should become the full-time
: first sacker by 2011.
smokin' justin是左右开弓的打者 类似斧头帮老大的打击姿势真的蛮像的..
并且未来成绩有机会跟老大一样 缠斗力强 又有力量 没有铁爷的爆炸力
但是口径差不多 防守也差不多好 需要再一些磨练补强 学去面对内角球
Hank Blalock走以后 一垒的位置就是他的了 2011年他会是一垒手的不动先发
: 13. Domonic Brown, OF, Phillies
: Why he's here: The last man standing, at least at Double-A or better, in the
: Phillies farm system has a body that evokes Darryl Strawberry, with similar
: speed and defensive tools. He lacks the explosive wrists and power of
: Strawberry but should hit his share of homers eventually.
: What he'll be: Some scouts actually see Brown, who has surprising plate
: discipline for such a raw player, as more of a top-of-the-order factor than as
: a middle-of-the-order presence. He's the greenest hitter on this list, but his
: talent is undeniable.
: When he arrives: Raul Ibanez and Jayson Werth are ensconced on the corners in
: Philadelphia, and Brown needs to polish up his defense anyway. He'll be a minor
: leaguer in 2010 but could ease Ibanez out by 2011, the last year of the
: veteran's contract.
成绩出色 至少在2A是. 拥有类似草莓先生的性感肉体 类似他的速度与防守
但缺少像他一样的出色手腕运用与力量 但是迟早也会打出比他稍少的全垒打
有些球探 对于他这样完成度不高的选手却有极好的选球感到惊讶 成绩惨绿
但是天赋不可否认 Raul Ibanez and Jayson Werth占著费城的左右外野的位置
他需要加强守备 2010年因为伊巴尔而不会上到大联盟 但是2011年伊巴尔离开后
: 16. Kyle Drabek, RHP, Blue Jays
: Why he's here: The son of 1990 Cy Young Award winner Doug Drabek was the key
: piece in the Roy Halladay trade and instantly became Toronto's top prospect.
: His stuff wasn't always consistent in 2009, but at his best he has an excellent
: curveball, a plus fastball and a decent changeup.
: What he'll be: If his changeup gets better, Drabek can be a No. 2 starter on a
: championship team. If not, he could become a Tom Gordon clone as a closer,
: bringing mid-90s heat and finishing off hitters with his curve.
: When he arrives: Drabek was vulnerable to left-handed hitters last year, and
: the Blue Jays have pitching depth, so Drabek should be able to move up to
: Triple-A and hone his changeup in 2010 without having to immediately deal with
: the burden of being the Player Traded for Roy Halladay.
Doug Drabek的儿子 好乐迪交易案的主要球员 蓝鸟的顶级新秀 有出色的曲球
上等的速球跟不错的变速球 如果变速球变好 他会是冠军队2号先发的等级
如果不是 他会是汤姆狗蛋一样的终结者 95M左右的速球然后用曲球终结打者
去年对左投投的不好 但是蓝鸟的轮值不差 所以2010他会在3A好好磨练 不用
: 17. Alcides Escobar, SS, Brewers
: Why he's here: The Brewers brought up Escobar in August but he didn't surpass
: 130 at-bats, leaving him prospect-eligible. Then Milwaukee traded J.J. Hardy to
: the Twins, handing the job to the best defensive player among prospects.
: What he'll be: Escobar has the arm, infield actions, hands and range to win
: Gold Gloves at shortstop. He makes the routine plays and the tough ones, too.
: Plus, he has speed that impacts the game offensively, and his swing's not so
: bad either.
: When he arrives: Escobar is more prepared than Rangers shortstop Elvis Adrus
: was last year and should have a bigger impact in 2010.
8月上大联盟 但是打数不到130 让他还有向上提升的希望 酿酒人交易JJ给双城
把棒子交给这位防守最好的新秀 他臂力佳 动作好 范围跟手的运用这几个条件
让他有机会赢得金手套 一般以及不好处理的球 都做的不错 另外 他的速度具侵略性
足以影响比赛 打击也还不赖 他比Elvis Adrus准备的更好(只上大联盟) 并且2010年
: 19. Dustin Ackley, OF/1B, Mariners
: Why he's here: The No. 2 overall pick in the 2009 draft isn't as explosive as
: Strasburg, but he was a steady .400 hitter in college who added power as a
: junior. He was far from overmatched in the AFL, batting .315 while adjusting to
: a relatively new position, center field.
: What he'll be: Ackley has some similarities to Johnny Damon with his athletic
: ability (though he's not as explosive as Damon was in his prime), plus-plus
: speed and poor throwing arm, but he might be a better pure hitter than Damon.
: When he arrives: Ackley has the bat to move quickly, but a position change
: could slow him down. Primarily a first baseman in college, he could play center
: field, left field or even second base.
2009年的第二顺位 不像小史一样的爆发力 但是在大学是拥有力量的4成打击率打者
在AFL打出3成15的打击率 并且防守中外野 有点像是叛徒一样的运动力 虽然不像叛徒
全盛时期的爆发力 顶级的速度但是臂力差..或许会变的比叛徒更好的打者 他的打击
能让他快速升级 但是或许守备位置的改变会让他通往大联盟的速度变慢 原本大学是一
垒手的他 也许可以打中外野 左外野甚至二垒手
: 20. Martin Perez, LHP, Rangers
: Why he's here: The third Ranger on the list, Perez has a delivery and
: repertoire that draw comparisons to Johan Santana. That may not be fair to
: Perez, but as an 18-year-old, he was the best pitcher in the South Atlantic
: League, and his compact delivery is a near-duplicate of Santana's.
: What he'll be: Well, have we mentioned Santana? There's just a long way for
: Perez to go from A-ball to the majors, and his workload has been handled very
: carefully so far.
: When he arrives: Let's give Perez a couple of years to let his low-90s fastball
: that touches 96, plus changeup and plus curveball time to incubate. He should
: be on this list at least two more times.
第三个上榜的条子顶级新秀... 拥有类似山王的投球动作跟型态的投手 这样比对他来说
不公平 但是他才18岁是南太平洋最好的投手 他的投球动作跟山王几乎是复制一班的像.
虽然拿他来跟山王比但是 他要上大联盟还要走很长的路 也被呵护的很好 给他几年的
时间 让他球速从低90M升级到96M左右 以及培养好变速球跟曲球 他会出现在这个名单
快速翻译 应该有一些错 高手请指正
累死了 有两个没翻到(因为对那两个没研究..) 懒个翻了 谁来接棒一下?
作者: Zamned (Как дела?)   2009-02-25 00:32:00
作者: qweaaazzz (洗碗工)   2009-02-25 00:32:00
作者: Sechslee (キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━!!)   2009-02-25 00:33:00
作者: nowistzki   2009-02-25 00:37:00
作者: oralboralb ( )   2009-02-25 00:40:00
CJ有接班人了 不怕退休没人可关注了 耶
作者: son8868 (晃太)   2009-02-25 00:41:00
作者: domingo67 (大航海时代真人版)   2009-02-25 08:11:00
作者: adamyen (High~~~~)   2009-02-25 08:59:00
作者: song313136   2009-02-25 09:01:00
作者: rayven (掷筊才是真正云端运算)   2009-02-25 09:34:00
作者: xgpwh (有人)   2009-02-25 10:46:00
作者: Reddick5566 (红狄克)   2009-02-25 14:02:00
Hank Blalock不是已经走了@@?
作者: truthzero (石原最高!)   2009-02-25 17:12:00
好文推!!! 超期待Smoak的!!!

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