uilnivla (soulone)
2007-09-18 18:23:57出处:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20680858/
By Bob Cook
MSNBC contributor
Updated: 7:46 p.m. ET Sept. 9, 2007
Tread carefully when spending big for pitching
Zambrano's new deal, recent struggles a good lesson
A team or its fans expressing disappointment in a pitcher who signed a
long-term contract is not unprecedented, but the Chicago Cubs’ Carlos
Zambrano set a land-speed record by going only 17 days from signing date to
booing date.
True, it helped that Zambrano signed his five-year, $91.5 million contract on
Aug. 17, rather than the offseason. But Zambrano’s rapid fall from grace is
a warning to general managers that as a slew of top-line, in-their-prime
pitchers hit the free-agent market over the next few years, they might want
to think twice about making a Zambrano-sized commitment.
Presumably, the long, shattered trail littered with the contractual bones of
the likes of Kei Igawa, A.J. Burnett, Mike Hampton, Carl Pavano, Chan Ho
Park, Darren Dreifort, Kevin Appier, Mark Davis, Troy Percival should scare
teams off of overpaying for pitching. (Are there any long-term deals that
worked for the full length of the contract other than Greg Maddux, Mike
Mussina and Pedro Martinez?) Yet it never does, and the top-line names coming
up for bid will make GM’s forget that history, putting them at risk to be
doomed to repeat it.
一长串不堪回首的人名:Kei Igawa, A.J. Burnett, Mike Hampton, Carl Pavano,
Chan Ho Park, Darren Dreifort, Kevin Appier, Mark Davis, Troy Percival。(除了
The pitching free-agent market is thin this offseason, the top prize being
Milwaukee closer Francisco Cordero amidst a class of steady old hands (Tom
Glavine, Curt Schilling), unsteady young ones (Carlos Silva, Kyle Lohse) and
the usual mass of has-beens and never-weres. So that gives teams an excuse to
save their pennies for after the 2008 season, when Johan Santana, C.C.
Sabathia, Jon Garland and Ben Sheets hit the market, or after 2009, when Jake
Peavy, Brad Penny and John Lackey are available (assuming their teams pick up
their 2008 options, which is a safe assumption if they keep pitching at their
current level). Oh, and if you’re looking for a closer, Joe Nathan and
Francisco Rodriguez will be available after 2008.
Cordero,然后是几个还算稳定的老人Tom Glavine, Curt Schilling,几个不稳定的小伙
子Carlos Silva, Kyle Lohse,剩下的就是些曾经是好货或者从来就不是真货的杂鱼们。
所以各队都有借口把钱省下来,留到明年季后采购些高级货,像是Johan Santana,
C.C. Sabathia, Jon Garland, Ben Sheets这些,或者更贪心一点,等到后年,还有像
Jake Peavy, Brad Penny, John Lackey(假设球队有行使球团选择权,如果这几位不要太
后还有Joe Nathan和Francisco Rodriguez可以考虑。
Now it might seem a bit much already to begin questioning whether the Cubs
will rue the day they signed Zambrano, what with the deal not even being a
month old. Zambrano is only 26, which means his deal will end while he’s
presumably still in his prime. Plus, even at a record $18.3 million annual
salary, the consensus is that Zambrano gave the Cubs a hometown discount.
But questioning, in the form of boos at Wrigley Field at Zambrano‘s last
home start, Sept. 3, is already happening. When Zambrano began taking off his
jersey and gestured to his head as he left a start against the Los Angeles
Dodgers to a rain of boos after 4 1/3 innings, his record since the signing
was 0-3, his ERA 8.29. For good measure, Zambrano ran through a stop sign at
third base and got thrown out, and squatted in frustration rather than back
up the throw home on fellow pitcher Esteban Loaiza‘s two-run single.
垒教练指示硬冲本垒出局,还在被对方投手Esteban Loaiza打出两分打点安打的时候没有
Zambrano did come back Saturday night to break a five-game losing streak by
giving up only two hits and one run over six-plus innings in a 5-1 win over
But even in victory, Zambrano gave up five walks. His tendency to be among
the league leaders in walks, as well as strikeouts, might be straining his
arm, making it a possibility the generally injury-free rightie might not stay
injury-free during his contract. Zambrano this season has had a tendency to
drop his right shoulder when he pitches, cutting down his velocity and
fueling speculation he is favoring the shoulder because it’s sore —
speculation that Zambrano and the Cubs have not indulged.
Zambrano, however, is not the only recent starting pitcher signing that is
proving questionable. In fact, he’s not the only one in Chicago.
Mitchel Lichtman, a former St. Louis Cardinals consultant and co-author of “
The Book: Playing the Percentages in Baseball,” notes on his blog that of
starting pitchers who throw at least 190 innings, one-third of them will be
out of baseball by 32, and the rest of them will average 140 innings, with
ERA that is a half-point higher. His analysis was inspired by the four-year,
$56 million “hometown discount” 28-year-old Mark Buehrle gave July 8 to the
Chicago White Sox.
前圣路易红鸟顾问Mitchel Lichtman,The Book: Playing the Percentages in
Like Zambrano, Buehrle’s deal seemed like it wasn’t going to happen, but
then came together, coincidentally or not, as fans put pressure on management
to sign him. Buehrle’s performance since his signing, a 3-5 record with a
4.17 ERA, hasn’t gotten him booed, but fans won’t target him as long as
that White Sox bullpen stays so awful. Still, Buehrle has held up Lichtman’s
argument that, sabermetrically speaking, he doesn’t give the White Sox many
more wins than they would have had from somebody else. Especially not with
the White Sox being a mediocre 39-46 when he signed, and an awful 22-36 since.
In fact, the White Sox of 2007 are a good argument for not blowing too much
on starting pitching. Chicago has four starters making more than $10 million
a year — Buehrle, Garland, Javier Vasquez and (gack — for two more years!)
Jose Contreras — and yet is only a short Tampa Bay winning streak away from
becoming the first team in major league history to go from World Series
champions to worst team in baseball while increasing payroll. (The
Philadelphia A’s similar decline from 1913 to 1915, and the Florida Marlins’
from 1997 to 1998 were the direct result of payroll purges.)
每年领超过一千万:Buehrle, Garland, Javier Vasquez和还有天杀的两年合约的古巴佬
So does this mean when Santana, Peavy, et al, become free agents, teams
should stay away completely? Well, if you are a team with a limited payroll
(not Tampa Bay limited, but San Diego limited) or a long way away from
contention, you might think twice about the $20-$30 million a year these
pitchers are going to get. Can you swallow such a contract if it goes bad?
Can your big-money pitcher handle the abuse if things start to go sour?
If not, then maybe you’re better off taking that $20-$30 million per year
and plowing it into your minor-league system to develop your own arms, and
your scouting system to find them. Or take a little of that and sign Glavine
for a year if you think your team is a contender. Maybe you’ll miss out on a
big, hot name that your fans will love, but in the long run, you might spare
yourself, and your presumed ace, a lot of grief. Let the Zambrano experience
be your distant early warning system.