arashi233 (arashi233)
2016-01-03 02:09:32※ [本文转录自 Tech_Job 看板 #1MY17RwS ]
作者: arashi233 (arashi233) 看板: Tech_Job
标题: [征才] 外商 Senior IT Infrastructure Speciali
时间: Sun Jan 3 02:07:21 2016
Robert Walters 代外商征 Senior IT Infrastructure Specialist
Senior IT Infrastructure Specialist
1. To become an in-house specialist that fully understands how the Product maps to the Infrastructure
2.Ensure that continuous improvement remains a focal point during every initiative
1. Manage multiple product domains on a CDN and Multi-CDN enabled architecture
2. Take on technical lead roles for Infrastructure projects.
3. Manage and report on application level performance
4. Continuously investigate ways of improving product performance
5. Assist in detailed infrastructure performance investigations where required.
6. Perform on-going Capacity Management at the product and infrastructure level.
7. Investigate issues where root cause is unknown and work with the appropriate team (product or infrastructure) for resolution.
8. Conduct regular infrastructure health checks on all systems and highlight issues to be fixed to the infrastructure or product teams. Assist in remediation where required.
9. Manage the commissioning and decommissioning process for product related infrastructure (Application, Server, Storage, F5)
10. Monitor performance and availability of key product platforms in important markets.
11. Work with the relevant IT teams to ensure effective monitoring at an infrastructure and application level.
1. Ability to deliver high quality technical proposals
2. Ability to multitask and prioritize work
3. Analytical thinking
4. Must be able to operate within a rapidly changing and complex technical environment
5. Must be able to communicate well in English with remote teams
Technical Skills
1. Strong knowledge of Web technologies (IIS, CDN’s, Web Performance analytics
2. Knowledge of Video Streaming Protocols (RTMP, HLS, HDS etc)
3. Excellent Windows Server troubleshooting skills
4. Sound knowledge of networking
5. Well versed in security concepts
6. Automation scripting or development skills is highly beneficial
1. Diploma/Degree preferred
4. Minimum 5 years’ experience in supporting internet-facing systems
5. Experience of working with Content Delivery Networks
Annual salary: NTD 1.2-1.8 M
Send your resume to Ruby Lin
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