dchain (BlackScreen2099)
2015-08-05 14:09:43※ 引述《mattiswe098 (台中大仁哥)》之铭言:
: one of the best ways to know if you're getting ganked if your team is winning
: I found a good example in a rare case where I don't walk out and get
: destroyed.
从我自身经验判断, 我都没离开塔下就只能等著被塔杀的状况:
: 1. are they showing on wards in their jungle
: if the answer is no then you're probably gonna die if you walk anywhere past
: your turret.
1. 敌方是否被敌方JG中所布的眼看到 (前提是己方有优势)
(若敌方不再野区吃野就可能要来GANK你 (这不是废话吗 XD))
: 2. is your bot lane pushing without getting ganked overextended
: http://plays.tv/video/55c19fcd438ea8eaf0
: https://www.facebook.com/TSMDYRUSLOL?fref=nf
翻完感觉好废 XDD