ike0227 (阿豪)
2015-07-14 08:45:57※ 引述《PercyJackson (神火之贼)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《l000kgw (o'_'o)》之铭言:
: : I had slept for caring of myself.
: 我对自己放了整晚的治愈,睡了一阵子
: : I woke up early and i read all messages and comments.
: 然后早起之后把大家的留言和意见都读过之后
: : I got many points of view about this situation.
: 我开始能用不同的观点来看待现在的情况
: : So, I wanna explain what i wanted to tell you.
: 好,我想我得跟你们解释点什么
: : 1. I knew she was cheating on me and her ex.
: 我知道小云劈了我跟Awei
: : After i met her, I asked him about her.
: 我遇到Awei之后我有跟他问点小云的事情
: : Me: "Hey, I met her yesterday. Is it okay to you?"
: O:“嘿我昨天有跟小云碰面,你能接受吗?”
: : Him: "Yes, I don't care , she is not my girlfriend anymore."
: A:“当然可以啊,我不在意,反正她不是我女朋友了”
: : "???? Hey wait, Did you meet her yesterday ?"
: A:“等等????你昨天跟她碰面?”
: : "WTF, I broke up with her today morning."
: A:“你她妈的我今天早上才跟她分手欸”
: : Me: "Ah... She is cheating on us... I can't believe..."
: O:“啊,她在我们之间周旋...真是难以置信”
: : I talked with him and i was willing to be friend with him.
: 我跟Awei有了些进一步的交谈,我愿意跟他做好朋友
: : He gave me many information about her like what she did.
: 他给了我一些关于小云的消息,就像小云也给过我Awei的一样
: : Then, I accepted all.
: 我可以接受,全部都坦得住
: : 2. I know that toyz didn't mean to hurt me.
: 我知道Toyz不是有心要伤我啦
: : This is why i tried to understand what he did to me.
: 这也就是为什么我一直想要搞懂他干嘛这样
: : I endured many times and I sent messages to him on friday.
: 我承受了他一堆的伤害然后我礼拜五终于密他
: : But, It was too much and too hurt to me.
: 但,伤害已经造成,而且伤我很深
: : I never want to play with uncomfortable feeling.
: 我压根不想要带着赌烂的心情来打比赛
: : This is why i tried to quit my team.
: 这也是我试着离开HKE的原因
: : 3. Someone said Her boyfriend didn't say any bad word to her.
: 有人说:“Awei根本没有对小云骂脏话啊”
: : I heard what he said and i knew.
: 但我听到了,我都知道
: : Actually, He told the truth of her to viewers.
: 事实上,Awei和他的观众讲到小云的任何事情,都是真的
: : I accepted that,too.
: 我也能接受
: : I was good to hear that because i got more information from him.
: 对我来说,听到那些本来不知道的消息也是一件好事
: : But, I just didn't understand Why he posted "She is Bit**".
: 但我真的不懂,为什么他要表示:小云是个贱**
: : I know She did many bad things.
: 我真的知道小云做了很多错事
: : (Two timers and Cheated on everyone)
: 脚踏两条船然后一路瞒天过海
: : It was so bad to him. I felt that and i broke up with my ex as same way , too.
: 这对Awei来说是晴天霹雳,我也曾经有这样的感受,因为我跟我前女友也是这样分的
: : I could understand his feeling.
: 我完全能够同理Awei
: : I meant that they loved each other once.
: 我的意思是:他们曾经相爱
: : How to say that word to ex lover?
: 那怎么有办法对前任做出那样的评论?
: : 4. Why i have kept relationship with her?
: 那我又为什么要继续跟小云在人生的积分中双排呢?
: : Actually, I realized She is not good girl.
: 说真的,我看得出她不是个好女孩
: : But We promised that if she does something bad with her will , We will break
: : up for sure.
: 我们已经说好,只要她顺从自己的渴望再次出那些拍歹几,我们就分
: : Then, I told her "You have to face your all mistakes and know what you did
: : wrong. "
: 我告诉小云“妳必须面对妳所有的摸史,并且找出妳到底雷在哪里”
: : For example, When I knew She had wanted to make insurance before she broke up
: 举例而言,当我知道她分手前就在策画无缝接轨的时候
: : I said to her " I know your way to meet other guy. But It's totally wrong.
: : It's too bad ".
: 我就直接告诉她:“我知道妳和其他男人应对的模式,真是大错特错又可恶至极”
: : I didn't notice that I have many fans to support me.
: 我没有跟她提说我有很多粉丝支持我的决定
: : I am so sorry about what i did.
: 我对我的所作所为感到抱歉
: : I won't delete my posts to awaken myself.
: 我不会再砍掉自己的文章来打醒自己了
: : I will focus on my career and practice harder than before.
: 我会专注在我的电竞生涯上,而且要比以前更专注练习
: : Thank you for reading my post and caring of me.
: 谢谢大家愿意看我的文章,而且关心我
: : P.S I was so surprised to see that many people used english.
: 顺带一提,这么多人会讲英文真是吓到我了
: : Because It was hard to meet people who can speak english in taiwan.
: 因为我在台湾很难遇到有人会讲英文的
: : It was so great...
: 太爽辣...
: : After my tournaments, I really wanna study chinese to talk with my fans and
: : make jokes with my teammates.
: 等我的赛程结束,我认真想要学点中文来跟我的粉丝交谈,然后开开我队友的玩笑
: : 求翻译 >_<
: 林北要成为Olleh御用翻译!!!
: 有错误拜托告诉我,让我能够好好修改
: 谢谢m(__)m
Olleh: 干 卖刹! 哥要打砲也要打lol