Re: [外絮] 大师兄FB-关于link皇退位

楼主: takura (三成)   2015-05-14 14:24:20
Link在Reddit发表一篇Farewell文章, 内容冗长, 但爆了不少CLG内幕
1. 第14页, Aphro
Aphro is a really observant guy and he’s pretty smart when it comes to the
game. I think he thinks a lot about the game but doesn’t get a chance to do
a lot of in game because he is held back by double. Double, is obviously, one
of the most lane centric adcarries. Guess what happens when aphro leaves to
go roam and double is forced into a 1v2 scenario. Double dies or gets chunked
for like 90% of his hp and aphro feels like he cant trust him to roam or gets
well negative feedback from double
Aphromoo熟悉游戏, 但因为大师兄阻挠, 有心无力。大师兄是对线型ADC
当Aphro游走时, 大师兄总会被杀或损大半血, 让Aphro无法放心游走制造战绩
2. 第16页
One biggest problem I have is with double and him not playing as a team
player. I mean he flamed the entire team and blame deflected after playoffs
ended. To me that’s the biggest backstab anyone can do. You either lose as a
team or you win as a team. You accept your loss and you move forward to
figure out what you can improve. To blame your team and say there’s nothing
you could have done = telling me you will never trust your teammates. This
CLG isn’t a team. It’s just five players trying to work together lmao.
大师兄没有团队意识, 在季后赛结束时狂骂全队, Link觉得他的表现, 就是不信任队友
感觉CLG不像队伍, 只是五个玩家尝试一起玩而已 (意译: 就是Team rank吧?)
3. 第16页 离开的原因
(a)不知道能否在下季发挥150%水准 (译者:不是吧?????)
(c)想有一季队伍能有所发挥, 并在世界赛展现实力
(d)曾经被承诺会有改变, 但他觉得离开才是最好的改变
(e)我受够LOL了, 因为北美太可怕, 而且这游戏离我越来越远
太长, 有待慢慢看
但是, Link常提到自己表现不俗, 这点我非常质疑...
作者: coco12252003 (沁凛冰漾)   2015-05-14 14:40:00
看了前后两篇 这是算背刺还是要说不意外啊XD?
作者: za75za50za02 (o'_'o)   2015-05-14 14:44:00
DL到底强在哪阿 我有看CLG的比赛他也没说多强阿野龟都比他强...
作者: pilistar0222 (louis)   2015-05-14 14:49:00
DL 我不看HIGHLIGHT看比赛 也是CLG最亮眼的 有问题?
作者: luckyman8078 (请用真名)   2015-05-14 14:53:00
作者: pilistar0222 (louis)   2015-05-14 14:56:00
DL 之前有讲过他会骂人,但是希望队友能骂回来不要因为他是DL而不敢回嘴,需要沟通讨论LINK跟NIEN就是两个需要牡蛎型玩家我是怀疑LINK的说法啦 静待AMPHROMOO的说法DL不是超尊敬老茶的吗?我今年春季的LCS NA看好几场阿 DL还是非常罩阿....打TSM的时候领先了半场 解国LINK 立山抓一个送
作者: Predrag26671 (这个人非常懒)   2015-05-14 15:43:00
link顶多就是个smush parkerdl地图意识烂到爆没错 但再怎样不稳还是比中路输出多的多 link不觉得自己太夸张吗link那种会战梨珊卓大自己的操作去外卡区都不能称霸
作者: pilistar0222 (louis)   2015-05-14 16:05:00
是也没错太多啦...他其实偶而也会CARRY 记得NID玩得还不错 一些喜冰脚都还可以
作者: Crushredkiss (StealMyHeart)   2015-05-14 17:16:00
回应真的太长了 读到一半就关了
作者: JesusMontero (Montero)   2015-05-14 18:11:00
猛也会有打输的时候吧 然后大师兄就使出一个痒哥的技能 战犯转移术 气氛会好吗 气氛不好要打什么 看看sk

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