Re: [闲聊] LOL version 5.6 recap

楼主: sssdragonsss ( Prince )   2015-04-08 01:40:44
: : 刚刚在看可爱的小云宝宝, 现在来讨论一下吧
: :
: : 主要可分为 Blue base, Red base 和 Jungle
: (Purple啦)
On November 12, 2014 a new update to Summoner's Rift went live for use on the
Team Builder queue and all bot modes. Then in November 19 the updated Summoner
’s Rift was released for all queues, replacing the old one entirely. This
time the update has been more heavier than the previous one, and the map was
remade from scratch, changing the overall art style. From the minions, to the
monsters, the structures, the decorations, the vegetation and even the music
it was all completely remade. The new Summoner's Rift is in all respects a
new map, made preserving the spirit and gameplay of the older Summoner’s
Rift. The new elements are:
A new handcrafted artistic style to Summoner’s Rift.
Gameplay on the map is more readable than in the previous map. Making
action the top priority on the screen rather than the environment.
Cleaned up a lot of the terrain (so that the widths of the visuals match
the width of the mesh).
This is particularly noticeable in Red-side jungle.
" Purple Team changed to Red Team."
"Red base" features an owl and mage motif with curved linear shapes.
Blue base is inspired by a stag and paladin theme with blockier shapes. Both of
the owl and stag sigils meet in middle lane.
更新一下资讯好吗? 从 November 12, 2014 到现在都过多久了?
你LOL游戏打几场了? 世界上比赛都办几场了? 你眼睛没问题吧? 请多保重!
大家要多注意自己的身体健康喔 ^ ^
作者: perfect30194 (Breeze Rider)   2015-04-08 11:37:00
笑死 红跟紫也一篇

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