stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2019-09-10 22:34:56If you were to throw gasoline on a fire, it would naturally begin to rage out
of control even if it started out as only a small fire. Before you knew it, yo
u might be engulfed in flames with no way to put it out. The same thing can ha
ppen in a conversation that takes a wrong turn. If you correct it immediately,
it might not be a problem at all. But if you throw some "gasoline" into that
conversation by saying things you know will enflame the situation, then it cou
ld easily rage out of control and become impossible to "put out." Keep that in
mind today if a conversation is taking a wrong turn, Leo.
如果你将汽油泼入火中,火势自然会失控,即使它一开始可能只是星星之火。 而在你意
同样的道理也可放在日常对话中。 如果你意识到不对劲且立即修正,则一切可能根本不
是问题。 但是,如果说出了不对的话,那无异于火上浇油。那么事情就会很容易失控,