stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2019-09-06 20:32:34You have done your very best to adapt to a situation where someone else is cal
ling the shots, even though the management of this situation may not be ideal.
You have been polite, kind, and patient, Leo, but your patience may be runnin
g out now. And it may be getting harder to restrain yourself from kicking into
leadership mode since you most likely have far better ideas about how to run
things. However, it would be best to offer guidance rather than take over. You
can get what you need faster and much easier this way.
尽管情况可能并不理想,但你已尽了最大的努力去应付他人的施令。 你有礼貌、善良和
但是,你最好提供建议,而不是直接介入。 你可以通过这种方式更快且更轻松的获得你