Re: [问题] 初学拉丁文发音几问

楼主: Chengheong (Hohlolang)   2009-08-21 08:33:25
※ 引述《KasaharaMay (遗失的)》之铭言:
: 刚开始接触拉丁文 目前正在认识发音
: 有好几个地方不懂 上来跟各位请教^^
: 1.拉丁文24个字母的个别发音?
: 第一堂课,老师并没有特别教导拉丁文各个字母的发音,
: 不过我还是很想知道,不然总觉得好像卡卡的,
: 我目前是知道A唸﹝阿﹞,B唸﹝逼﹞,C唸﹝区﹞,
: 其他的能请好心版友提供资料给我吗? :)
A, Be, Ce, De, E, Ef, Ge, Ha, I, Jota, Ka, El, Em, En, O, Pe, Ku, Er, Es, Te,
U, Ve, Ix, Ypsilon, Zeta
: 5.其他比较零碎的问题,我就统一在这里发问:
: *拉丁文的rosa的s是否发z的音呢?
Some books state that "s" should never be pronounced as in "rose" (z sound)
but always as in "soul" or "postal" (This is also the case in Spanish.) .
However, Italian uses the "z" sound for an "s" between two vowels and this is
widely done. Choose what you want. Ex. : "rosa" (rose), pron. 1. roh-zah or
2. roh-sah.
: *to跟ti的发音?前者是﹝ㄘo﹞吗?后者我知道-tio会发成﹝ㄘio﹞
TI before a vowel, is pronounced TSI (except when preceded by "s", "t" or "x").
Ex. : "actio", pron. "ak-tsioh". (but "hostia")

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