※ [本文转录自 Christianity 看板 #1Jvy8f1q ] 作者: bluebrown (仨基友撸一把) 看板: Christianity 标题: [新闻] 发现是同性恋后教会取消他的丧礼 时间: Mon Aug 11 03:04:05 2014 http://ppt.cc/t~T3 (全文在后) 简单说明一下报导内容。死者是名同性恋,知道患有“类淀粉沉积症”(Amyloidosis) [算是一种绝症]之后决定在死前和男朋友结婚。在知道他的死讯后教堂最初接受丧事的 预约,但却在举行日的前晚取消,家人被告知为他举行丧礼是亵渎(blasphemous)。 据报导说原因很可能是牧师看到讣闻之后发现死者身份。 不意外的是那间教会“新希望使徒浸信会”是美南浸信俱乐部的成员之一。 http://www.newhopejay.com/ 有人可以说明一下,和同性结婚过,还是和同性性交过的死者是违反圣经哪条规定, 使得该教会认为为其举行丧礼是一种亵渎吗?(请就丧礼而论,不是受不受神喜爱什 么的,除非举行丧礼的资格是要受神喜爱?) 还是说该教会把同性婚姻当作一种撒但或恶灵附身仪式,以致于没断开连结之前, 为任何接触过的人举行仪式都会亵渎该教会的圣洁宝地,神会降下可怕的灾难? 我个人比较倾向世俗性的理由,例如害怕信徒不满,例如惩罚他的家人竟敢让他儿子和 同性结婚,惩罚他的先生举行同性婚姻,教会对同性恋的排斥等等, 不过也许有人能提供符合基督教教义,出自于“公义和爱”的见解? 为免误会先声明,我并没有明示或暗示该教会有无义务举行丧礼, 我问的是为其举行丧礼违反基督教教义吗? (希望某m不要跑来乱入,我向神祈祷XDDD) =========================================== http://ppt.cc/t~T3 独立报 A man from Florida had his funeral cancelled just 24 hours before it was due to take place after the church discovered that he was gay. Julion Evans of Tampa, died in July after a four-year battle with Amyloidosis, a rare disease that attacks the internal organs and causes them to shut down. However, after his family organised a funeral for Evans at their local church, they were told it had been cancelled – just one night before it was set to take place. According to a report on WFLA, the church had initially accepted the booking after hearing about Evans' death. Yet this was quickly reversed when the pastor of the church, TW Jenkins, found out about Evans' sexuality from reading his obituary in the local paper. The family were then contacted just 12 hours before the proposed funeral, to be told that the church could no longer hold the funeral because it would be “blasphemous” to do so. Evans’ mother, Julie Attwood, was distraught when she heard the news. She told WFLA: “It was devastating. I did feel like he was being denied the dignity of death.” With only a day to find a new location, the family were unable to contact all those scheduled to attend and this led to many mourners arriving at the wrong venue and missing the service. Evans's husband Kendall Capers, was furious about the incident and said that the church’s decision to call just one night before was “disrespectful”. He said: “This is 2014, this is not the 60s or the 70s “I just want his [Jenkins] wrong-doing to be exposed.” Pastor Jenkins defended the church’s decision, saying that his church preached against gay marriage. "Based on our preaching of the scripture, we would have been in error to allow the service in our church,“ Jenkins said. ”I'm not trying to condemn anyone's lifestyle, but at the same time, I am a man of God, and I have to stand up for my principles." Evans and Capers were partners for 17 years after meeting in their 20s. When they learned about Evans’ illness they decided to get married, with the ceremony taking place in Maryland last year. Capers said that the pair did not hide their sexuality and most people in the area knew that they were married.