After taking a couple of days to process everything from our playoff series, I
just wanted to leave you with a very open and honest note to thank all my bel
oved fans. It's the least I can do for all your support this past season.
Athletes often say "I have the best fans in the world." When I say it, I mean
it. You all support me with so much enthusiasm that every year my teammates ta
lk about how they've never seen such die-hard fans. Sure, sometimes you guys c
an be a little aggressive or overwhelming for other fans and reporters haha, b
ut I understand that comes from your love for me.
You guys showed up nightly to TWC Arena giving us a huge home court advantage.
You made all of us feel like rock stars on our preseason trip to China. You f
lew in from different U.S. cities and countries (some which required ~18 hours
of flying) just to watch regular season games. You guys cared enough about me
to make and share a video of fouls committed on me. I received more gifts, su
pport letters and fan art than I know what to do with.
Over 10,000 of you signed up for my prayer letter and diligently prayed for me
throughout the season. Hundreds of you opened up about some of the most vulne
rable parts of your life and asked me and my business team to pray for you guy
s (which we did).
THANKS for being a big reason why this was the most enjoyable season I've ever
had in the NBA! Sorry we couldn't keep this playoff run going. I'm extremely
sad about this season ending and miss basketball like crazy already. I serious
ly can't wait for my body to heal up and start training again. I try not to th
ink about the playoffs, and turn away when I see any other playoff games. It s
tings because I know we could be in the 2nd round, but God is perfect through
the highs and the lows, and He has never led me astray!
This past year was a step in the right direction, but I know there's another l
evel I can get to. So as I approach the off-season, I will keep working on my
game. Next year my jumper will be way better. I will come back a much better p
layer. I want to keep having fun on the court (like I did this past year). For
free agency, I will seek out every opportunity that gives me the greatest cha
nce to be the best player I can be. I believe I'm just getting started. I have
more to give and more to accomplish.
I'm excited to see what God has for me in the future! But for now, time to res
t, recover and recharge myself physically and mentally. So on that note, I'm o
ff to vacation!!
P.S had to leave you guys with one last hairdo
心得: 好像有可能考虑其他队!?
lwu24 (飛éš)
2016-05-06 07:19:00你林那粒头让我想起菜包....... XD
作者: yeswater 2016-05-06 07:30:00
应该走定了 这几天看美中讨论 留下机会非常低主要是要开高薪给巴通 而林是第三顺位才要处理我猜啦 林有可能到篮网 球队管理层大砍 新GM是马刺系统教头更不用说 是当初力挺辞职的真伯乐 丹东尼只是台面上
lwu24 (飛éš)
2016-05-06 07:35:00林还是希望能到好好发挥的球队,所以..转队有望
作者: yeswater 2016-05-06 07:36:00
今年市场上的控卫 林可以排进前三 甚至康妮选完就抢林了林可望先发的球队:1.篮网(去年有开约给林 没去 够诚意)2.76人 (只要丹东尼没应征上火箭 可以去 内线跳跳人多)3.公牛 (风向似乎要清rose留JB 而JB背景跟林非常像 故事可以去参考电影""攻其不备" 林跟他先发搭挡应该会合同时JB又是大锁 不过一个隐忧是总教练太软 压不住反JB派的老将 经常说些没营养的话混过去 林到公牛是喜忧参半)
作者: jo611 (joseph) 2016-05-06 08:05:00
我看完英文版后fb往下一滑就看到中文版XD黄蜂经理都公开说很难续约林了,私底下...ㄏㄏ 难怪林终于肯转队了 赞
作者: Gilbertsky (Gilbert) 2016-05-06 08:18:00
可否请问去年篮网开约给林的详细情况? 没follow到
作者: yeswater 2016-05-06 08:19:00
好像是370万镁 印象是这样
Landius (原来我是漆原派啊)
2016-05-06 09:04:00丹总也去溜马面试了,所以丹总这路线就颇难说.
djviva (时鼠无奈)
2016-05-06 09:24:00也祈祷下一季林能获得更好的机会, 更大的发挥
jcchiou (十三翼, 顺风! 飞翔!)
2016-05-06 10:58:00走也好, 贡献那么大, 居然没诚意留人
作者: JerrySloan (万年教练) 2016-05-06 11:52:00
sisik (sisik)
2016-05-06 12:26:00媒体还扭曲原话,造风向要打折留队,现在没了,林不会留.
casman (卡)
2016-05-06 12:34:00也没确定不会留在黄蜂啊
ilanese (坐听无弦曲)
2016-05-06 19:59:00丹东尼喜欢用他过去用过的不错控卫。
jcchiou (十三翼, 顺风! 飞翔!)
2016-05-07 11:59:00不太懂Batum为何那么值钱
好奇为啥一定要签控球前锋 组后场双枪轮流控不好吗?如果Batum真的控得不稳 何必一定要他做这任务?
作者: jt 2016-05-07 18:36:00
看看近代马刺就好 Manu控不错 但他还是打第六人后卫双控球就像以前PG不能拿顶薪一样 或许哪年就破除了
kue999 (小谢)
2016-05-09 11:36:00不觉得巴吞有那么好+1
bryon (松、竹、梅)
2016-05-09 23:33:00在拓荒者时期就觉得Batum打球用脑.且稳定性不错.是个好球员但缺乏独立主攻的技能.是个很优秀的副手人选.但若当主将会有点主攻技能偏弱的感觉
作者: Ykee 2016-05-09 23:37:00
选巴吞 黄蜂明年季后赛掰
很难讲啦 两个都操上38分钟 板凳乱刀流 季后赛大概有但这两人都有伤病史 他们势必要去开PG福袋
Clifford喜欢Batum打SG 有身材优势 弥补走路组织身高但也看不出来他们两个到底搭不搭...?先发组好像...?
msk127 (歼灭太白粉)
2016-06-20 00:14:00废到笑 赶快退一退拉