Jeremy Lin is willing to take a pay cut to stay in Charlotte
From a statistical standpoint, Jeremy Lin's first-year with the Charlotte
Hornets looked like a typical Jeremy Lin season. His three-point shot wasn't
much to write home about and his defense was iffy depending on the matchup.
从数据角度看, 林书豪在黄蜂的第一年看来就像是典型林书豪会有的球季, 三分球不太值
得一提, 防守方面则是要看对位状况而定
But Lin brought a ton of value to Charlotte's surprising campaign, and was a
huge reason why their bench and offense performed as well as they did.
但林书豪确实带给了本季力争上游的黄蜂一大堆惊喜, 也的确是黄蜂本季替补阵容攻防两
One day after the Hornets were eliminated from the postseason, Lin had a few
surprising things to say about his future in Charlotte, and what will happen
after he presumably exercises the player option in his contract: Jeremy Lin
said he "absolutely" wants to return to @hornets. Said he'd even take a
discount and this season was most fun he's had in @nba.
被淘汰后的隔天, 对于在黄蜂的未来会如何, 林没有太多意料之外的说法, 针对外界预期
他会跳脱合约后的动向林书豪说:"我觉对想要重返黄蜂, 甚至可以接受薪资打折, 因为这
This is obligatory rhetoric that's more packed with emotion than common
sense. If Lin does in fact take less money to stay with Charlotte, it'd be
admirable. But he's a valuable backup point guard about to enter a seller's
这是必须的外交辞令, 其中意涵远大于外表的用字, 如果林书豪真的降薪来续留黄蜂那真
的太佛心, 但要知道对于今夏的卖方市场来说, 林书豪可是一位有价值的替补控卫
The salary cap will rise to $92 million (at least), and several teams in need
of a speedy ball-handler who can get to the free-throw line and live in the
paint will throw serious money in Lin's direction—including the Hornets.
新球季的团队薪资将会上升到92M, 也将会有好几支球队会需要具有速度、能获得罚球,
并同时可以在禁区发挥的控球者, 他们将会愿意提供够好的年薪来给林书豪, 包括黄蜂
Money isn't everything, but don't read too much into what he says in an exit
interview: No matter what, Lin is getting paid.
钱不代表所有, 但别对林书豪的公开发言解读过深, 无论今夏林书豪会签下怎样的合约
, 他总是获得了合约也拿到薪水