djviva (时鼠无奈)
2016-05-05 13:17:16Jeremy Lin & Charlotte Hornets – The Realistic Take on Staying or Not
林书豪与黄蜂面前的现实, 是留? 是走? http://tinyurl.com/jzztzl2 (文青风翻译)
Yesterday was about the fantasy, wishful thinking – What would be the ideal
situation for Jeremy Lin in order for him to stay a Charlotte Hornets player
this offseason. Today is about reality, which most likely pulls him in
another direction.
昨日一如梦幻般的绮丽, 球迷们心中的美丽遐想, 一层层的涂抹著今夏过后, 林书豪再
度披着黄蜂球衣在场上挥洒汗水的身影, 可现实却总不如人意, 美梦也总成泡影, 前进
的方向, 竟悄悄的的在林迷们纷起纷落的期待呓语声中, 撇头转了个方向
The most important thing to remember is this: The Charlotte Hornets aren’t
changing themselves for Lin. There might be teams in the league willing to
give him the starting point guard position, but the Hornets are not one of
诸君啊, 您可愿记得, 那份来自黄蜂的爱, 可曾满溢到足以为了留下林书豪去改变自己
呢? 墙里秋千墙外道, 墙外书豪, 墙里Walker笑, 我们始终不曾忘怀的那份林书豪追求
先发PG的执著, 黄蜂的爱, 却给不起; 天若有情天亦老, 放下这季以来对这球队点滴积
累成的爱吧, 转身, 才有你要的未来
Steve Clifford isn’t going to get fired after a 48-win season, although we
have seen something similar happen over the last few years: A head coach
leading a team to their best season in a while and still get fired for
underachieving. Don’t think it’s the case this time.
纵使见过许多名将们功成后的殒落, 但这并不会发生在本季拿下48胜的Clifford身上
Kemba Walker isn’t getting traded, and isn’t going to get moved. Not to the
bench to become a scoring sixth man (although his playing style is perfect
for it) or become a guard that plays off the ball. He’s a terrible defender
and too often gets locked up in his isolation mode, but Michael Jordan wants
him as the star of this team, Clifford is eager to please (or just thinks the
same thing), and that’s that. If Lin stays, it’ll always be as either a
backup to Walker, or his inferior partner in the backcourt.
Walker仍会是首席控卫, 不会转职第六人, 也不会改打无球, 因为他是Michael Jordan
心里这支黄蜂队的球星, 留下来的林只能永远当他的替补, 或一起上场当个护法
And money. Well, the Hornets might offer Lin the $7-8 million or maybe
slightly more he should be worth now once he opts out of his deal (and it’ll
be insane for him to not opt out, even if his main goal is staying in
Charlotte), but I’m assuming other teams will be offering just as much. The
Hornets have a lot of free agents to re-sign and add to the team, not to
mention think about the long term and the next contract they give Walker,
although there’s some time until we get to that point.
至于年薪, 黄蜂大概就是提供个US$7~8M或更少点左右, 但其他对林书豪有兴趣的可能将
会提供比US$7~8M略高的价码, 今夏黄蜂要续签的球员太多了, 再考虑到Walker的长期状
况以及要给他的下一份合约, 黄蜂无法给林太多
While the playoffs move on with the Heat, Raptors, Cavaliers, Hawks,
Warriors, Blazers, Spurs and Thunder, teams already on their summer vacation
begin thinking about next season, and the offseason. The draft prospects they
’ll be working out. The missing pieces from their rosters and lineups. Lin
could be a great fit for a number of teams. He could be a great fit for the
Hornets too, but for that to happen it’ll take changes that simply aren’t
going to happen. Lin might love playing in Charlotte, but it comes down to
what’s the most important thing to him at this stage in his career, and in
the end that’s probably going to lead him somewhere else. They’re not going
to be selling a lot of these in Charlotte a few months from now.
林会适合许多球队, 也包括黄蜂, 但续留黄蜂所得引发的游戏情节却不会发生, 林书豪
或许真的爱着黄蜂, 但却不得不去优先考虑到他自己在NBA的未来, 这念想势必引导著林