林书豪代祷事项 19
。 非常感谢!
非常非常非常感谢上帝 。
请为我们球队今天第5场比赛祷告。迈阿密是一个非常难打的客场,请替我们的健康, 超
自然的能量,准备好备战的心态, 以及可以带领我们取得胜利的好的个人和团队表现祷
Hey everybody,
Sorry if I am spamming you guys but there is definitely power in prayer!! So l
et's keep this thing going (promise to keep my updates really short). I've bee
n humbled and overwhelmed by how many of you have been faithfully praying. Th
ank you so much!
Praise God for Game 4!! It was a big-time win for us and I remember just feeli
ng soooo grateful to God after the game ended.
Please pray for our team tonight as we play game 5. Miami is an extremely diff
icult place to play so prayer for our health, supernatural energy, our readine
ss to play and a great individual and team performance that results in a win!
Also prayer for humility to trust God wholeheartedly no matter what the result
of the game is.