djviva (时鼠无奈)
2015-11-03 16:02:11Hawks at Hornets notes and observations http://tinyurl.com/o79dace
The story of the Charlotte Hornets' 94-92 loss to the Atlanta Hawks on Sunday
afternoon is very similar to the first two losses the Hornets had this
season. The team showed plenty of promise and things to build off of, but was
just unable to put it all together when it mattered most.
94-92惜败老鹰这场跟前两败很相似, 季前黄蜂说过要改变的许多点, 现在看来似乎没办
For the past four years, the team has struggled mightily with crippling
scoring droughts that would take the team out of most games if not for their
stellar defense. Such was the case today. Charlotte entered the fourth
quarter leading 76-70, then proceeded to start the final frame by shooting
1-for-18 from the floor (they finished 4-of-24).
"晚节不保"几乎就是黄蜂前四季的状况, 上一场亦如是, 带着76-70领先进入第四节的黄
蜂, 却直接18投1中落漆, 末节黄蜂总共24次出手仅仅命中4颗
Another big reason for the loss — the team could not finish around the
basket. Take a look at the following shot chart.
另一个输球的主因, 是黄蜂近"框"情怯, 看看这张出手图吧http://imgur.com/WIlMZGj
This is the Hornets' shot chart for the fourth quarter. Notice not a single
shot was made within the paint, and that the only shots made were 3s. This is
a complete antithesis of last season, where the team seemed to be unable to
make a 3. Ever.
这张图是第四节的, 你会发现禁区内没能投进任何一颗, 三分线内也只命中一颗还是踩在
三分线上的, 这完全就是上一季的对照啊, 上一季黄蜂没法投进三分~
Charlotte did manage to find a way into the record books. The team chucked up
a team-record 37 3-pointers, making 14 (37.8 percent for those who didn't
want to do the math on their own).
但黄蜂确实找到了数据本子上的方法, 这场球他们三分出手了37次命中14颗(37.8%)
The Hawks are just a very poor matchup for the Hornets. On offense, Charlotte
repeatedly plays right into Atlanta's double teams, often dribbling or
initiating plays on the wing, right where the Hawks love to trap. On defense,
the Hornets do not have anyone who can match the speed of Jeff Teague and
Dennis Schroder, who seemingly got to the rim at will.
老鹰是个不利于黄蜂的对手, 进攻上, 黄蜂一再的持球杀入老鹰的double team布下的陷
阱; 防守上, 黄蜂没有任何人能跟上Teague跟Schroder的速度, 让他们似乎总能随心所欲
Today in things that do not make sense: Cody Zeller, who played well,
finished with a +/- of -15. Spencer Hawes, who played anything but well,
finished with a +/- of -2. In addition, Charlotte cannot get Nicolas Batum's
open layup in the closing seconds to fall, but can have Marvin Williams'
fading, contested, deep bank 3 drop.
这场诡异的点:Zeller打得很好, 但正负值是-15; Hawes打的烂可是却有着-2的正负值.
此外, 最后关头黄蜂没让Batum空档上篮, 却让M.Williams去砍三分
I would not worry too much about Al Jefferson's slow start to the season.
After three games, he is averaging just 13.3 PPG on 44.5 percent shooting,
but has so far faced Hassan Whiteside and Al Horford, two of the better
defensive centers in the league.
我不会太担心大Al的开季慢热, 这三场他场均有13.3分44.5%命中率, 但他面对的却是联
Bright notes: 几个正面的点
1. Free throws, which have long been a thorn in Charlotte's side, were not
today. The team finished 14-of-15 from the charity stripe.
罚球向来不是黄蜂的强项, 但今天却罚得很好, 15中14
2. Charlotte's bench outscored Atlanta's 27 to 18, led by Jeremy Lamb's nine
points. I like what Lamb could bring to the team. He is the first streaky
deep threat the franchise has had since Jason Richardson. (Apparently, the
team loves what they've seen so far as well, as they are close to a contract
extension with him after just a couple games in a Hornets uniform.)
板凳群得分方面黄蜂以27:17领先, 主要靠Lamb贡献的9分, 我很喜欢Lamb带给黄蜂的表现
, 他是自Jason Richarson以来的能带给对手深度威胁感的球员, 也恭喜他获得了黄蜂的
3. The Hornets as a team finished with the quietest 13 block game you will
ever see.
4. Through three games, Marvin Williams has been the team's most consistent
player. He is thriving as a stretch 4, and Sunday's game was the first time
this season Williams did not record a double-double.
这三场M.Williams是队上最稳定的球员, 前两场双十后, 这是第一场没拿下双十的季赛
5. Sunday's performance was the reason the team traded for Batum. 16 points,
team-high eight assists, five rebounds, two steals and two blocks while doing
a solid job as ballhandler and offense initiator. If I'm Rich Cho, I'm
working overtime to try to figure out how to keep him in Charlotte long term.
这场比赛说明了为什么黄蜂要签来Batum, 16分 & 全队最高的8助攻 & 5篮板2抄截2阻攻
, 完美的做好了持球者跟进攻发动机, 建议黄蜂总仔努力去跟他签下长期约
下一场林书豪砍进3颗三分球 + 总得分超过16.5分, 每十推送1000P
PS. 无诚勿扰:发现是林酸不送