※ 引述《uuilee (lee)》之铭言:
: 中时电子报作者: 叶士弘╱专题报导 | 中时电子报 – 2014年10月28日 上午5:50
: “林来疯”2年前席卷全美,林书豪当年在尼克主场面对湖人队狂轰38分的经典表现,布莱恩记忆犹新,他强调豪小子已证明自己的实力,尤其是速度,
: 但他有更多期待,他说:“期待林书豪能成为一名出色的防守球员,他有能力却从未接受挑战。”
这个鸟中时记者这篇鸟文章的来源应该是这个 http://tinyurl.com/lgwa272
Lakers’ Kobe Bryant mentoring Jeremy Lin on defense 这个月10/10的旧文
The workload for Jeremy Lin seems as heavy as any advanced course he took at
“Jeremy’s biggest challenge, which he loves, is I’m really going to
challenge him to be a great defensive player because he can,” Lakers guard
Kobe Bryant said. “He has the speed. He has the length. He has the size. But
he’s never had to take on that challenge to be a great defensive player.”
Kobe说, 林书豪最大的也是他爱的挑战, 是我即将要去挑战他好让他能成为一个出色
的防守球员, 这也是他办得到的事情, 林书豪有速度有身高体型也ok, 但他却从未获