[外絮] 林书豪戏称Kobe眼神像看门狗一样严厉

楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2014-10-22 16:21:22
Lakers Post-Game: Jeremy Lin Calls Kobe Bryant A ‘Watchdog’
赛后, 林书豪戏称Kobe在场上的眼神跟看门狗一样杀 http://tinyurl.com/n75bvuf
The Los Angeles Lakers lost in overtime to the Phoenix Suns on Tuesday night,
but once Kobe Bryant was pulled halfway through overtime to rest up, fans
were reminded that it was just a preseason game.
今天湖人延长赛输给太阳, 但当Kobe延长赛中途离开去休息时, 球迷们才想起来这只是
Jeremy Lin was back on the court for the first time since spraining his ankle
and after the game Bryant touched on what a difference it made to have Lin
林书豪在脚踝扭伤后第一次归队上场, Kobe表示有了林就是不一样~
Jeremy Lin makes a big difference – creating shots for others, somebody else
that can penetrate and make plays for others and put pressure on the defense.
It makes a really big difference.”
Kobe说: 林书豪真的让比赛大大不同, 他替队友创造出手机会, 也让其他人不但能自己
切入取分更能替彼此创造出手机会, 林书豪也让我们的防守更给力
After the game, Lin also talked in depth about the types of things Bryant was
teaching him on the court, details that Lin says he would have never even
thought about if Bryant hadn’t mentioned it. For those specific tips, check
out our video above.
赛后林书豪也提及了Kobe在场上教导他的许多事, 尤其许多是在Kobe教他之前林书豪从
PS. 林书豪笑说Kobe是WatchDog部分请见连结影片, 英听不好只能听出大概是Kobe在场
上的眼神很严厉, 看了都会不由自主的想更认真之类的
明天上午十点见嘿~~ 林书豪加油!

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