Aswind (各自远飏)
2014-10-21 12:27:49※ [本文转录自 NBA 看板 #1KHTtnVq ]
作者: AnneofGreen (安的绿色小屋) 看板: NBA
标题: [外絮] 老大想念Lin, 希望他快点回来
时间: Tue Oct 21 12:15:40 2014
Kobe Bryant on Jeremy Lin - 10.19.14
"We're missing a really good play maker Jeremy Lin. He gets in the paint".
Bill Mcintyre @thesuitedmonk88
Postgame: Kobe Bryant (10/19/14) http://www.nba.com/lakers/video
/2014/10/20/141019Bryantmov// … via @nba Loved Kobe's interview.
You can tell he really wants Lin back
Ido Amir @IdoAmir 14 小时14 小时前
@thesuitedmonk88 @NBA Definitely. @JLin7 was the first guy who came
to his mind, and you could see how he appreciates his play. Very good.
老大一个人撑太累了 @@ 他说小林是一个很棒的控卫 而且能杀入禁区
Lin是老大第一个'想到的人 他真的很欣赏他的球技喔 :p
杂鱼霸主得我科赏识 应该要感动流泪吧 ~~~XDD