※ 引述《brianwangtw (定风波)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《konigiwar (K桑)》之铭言:
: : Thank you for your prompt reply.
: : Again, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience we've caused you.
: : Considering your situation, we realize what a nonsense question we have asked.
: : Please be assured that the room rate of your original reservation (5,600JPY
: : per room per night) is guaranteed.
: : We will do our best to make your stay comfortable, so that you would give us
: : a chance to recover the trust.
: : We are looking forward to seeing you.
: : 新回信
: : 大意应该是说维持原优惠入住
: 各位板友好
: 相信这次Comfort Hotel 出的问题有不少人受害@@在下也是
: 我也有回信去询问
: 可是他给我的回信长这样:
: Thank you for your prompt reply.
: Again, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience we've caused you.
: We feel extremely grateful that you kindly understood our situation.
: We are proceeding with your booking cancelation.
: If you could give us a chance to recover the trust,
: we hope that you would reserve our hotel room through Jalan.net again.
: We are looking forward to serving you.
: 前面大致相同,但这样的意思是说
: "因为我不够卢所以我就无法用原价了"吗QQ
: 这根本就是有差别待遇啊啊啊~~~
: 想请问版有我这样还有办法上诉吗还是我索性换另外一家就好了...
: 因为现在心斋桥一区房价几乎都涨了(9月初)
: 还请大家帮忙给一下意见谢谢QQ