[资讯] 波索纳洛下注川普下错了

楼主: kwei (光影)   2019-12-15 04:10:42
Bolsonaro Placed a Losing Bet on Trump
原文:Foreign Policy
Oliver Stuenkel
Monday’s announcement of U.S. tariffs on Brazilian steel and aluminum
imports is yet one more reason China may be looking like a better partner.
U.S. President Donald Trump’s surprise announcement this week that he would
be imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Brazil is just the
latest in a series of disappointments for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro,
who has staked a great deal on good relations with Trump. Beyond hurting
Bolsonaro’s reputation as having an in with the U.S. president, Trump’s
announcement will have significant effects on Brazil’s foreign policy and
trade relationships, regardless of whether the sanctions go through.
As the most pro-American president in modern Brazilian history, Bolsonaro has
put establishing a strong alliance with the United States at the center of
his foreign policy from the start. On the campaign trail, the Brazilian
leader frequently promised to embrace Trump’s tough stance on China and even
visited Taiwan. Brazil’s Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo famously described
Trump as “Western civilization’s Hail Mary pass” and publicly fretted
about the influence of “Maoist China” in Latin America. After Bolsonaro
took office in January, to show the country’s near-automatic alignment with
the United States, Brazil pulled out of the United Nations migration pact,
and it has otherwise been a fierce U.S. ally in multilateral forums,
radically breaking with Brazilian diplomatic tradition. Two months later, at
the White House, Bolsonaro said he was convinced Trump would win reelection.
But now all that effort seems for naught. After Trump’s tweets about the
tariffs, the Brazilian government struggled to adopt a cohesive response,
which suggests that it may not have had warning. Bolsonaro promised he would
speak to Paulo Guedes—Brazil’s minister of the economy, who had recently
met with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross—and possibly call Trump to
ask him to revert the decision. Considering Trump’s negotiation style, there
is indeed a chance a deal may be announced, allowing both sides to declare
victory. Yet at least some damage has been done—and Bolsonaro is likely only
more aware of the dangers of depending too much on Trump.Bolsonaro is likely
only more aware of the dangers of depending too much on Trump.
To be sure, Bolsonaro’s strategy of aligning himself with Trump was always
unlikely to succeed, because it would be so difficult to provide tangible
benefits to the United States or key stakeholders in the Brazilian president’
s domestic coalition. For example, during their first meeting in Washington
in March, Trump was set to discuss two key geopolitical challenges for the
United States in the region: weakening Nicolas Maduro’s regime in Venezuela
and limiting Chinese influence in Latin America.
The enthusiastically pro-Trump faction in the Brazilian administration—
including the president, his sons, and the foreign minister—promised results
on both counts, but these promises have been repeatedly publicly contradicted
by the government’s military faction, led by Vice President Hamilton Mourao.
Not only has the vice president ruled out any Brazilian support for a
potential U.S. military engagement in Venezuela, but he has also directly
contradicted his boss’s promise to move away from China and closer to the
United States. In March, Mourao blocked Bolsonaro’s controversial plan to
move the Brazilian Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a move meant
to underline Brazil’s pro-Trump credentials. A month later, seeking to
balance the president’s pro-U.S. rhetoric, Mourao told Folha de Sao Paulo
that China was “not a threat, but a strategic partner.”
At the same time, key factions in the Bolsonaro coalition saw their hopes
dashed that Trump would make any meaningful concessions to Brazil. Brazilian
farmers who had wanted a free trade agreement soon realized that Trump would
not allow them to directly compete with American farmers, a key constituency
for the U.S. president. The neoliberal faction of the Bolsonaro administration
—led by Guedes, the economy minister—was likewise disappointed that Trump
would not push harder for Brazil’s entry into the OECD, something seen as an
important seal of approval to attract more foreign investment. In a leaked
letter to OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría in August, the U.S. State
Department gave preference to Romania and Argentina’s accession, a move seen
as especially humiliating to a Brazilian audience given that Argentina’s
president-elect, Alberto Fernandez, would most likely care less about OECD
membership than Brazil’s Bolsonaro.
Finally, after Bolsonaro agreed, in early September, to increase Brazil’s
tariff-free quota for ethanol imports, a move that directly benefited the
United States, the U.S. decision two months later not to lift a ban on
importing Brazilian beef strengthened the overall perception that Bolsonaro’
s bet on Trump hadn’t panned out. Trump’s decision to reinstate tariffs was
yet another humiliation for Brazil’s president.
The president’s son Eduardo Bolsonaro’s promise, made after the election in
late 2018, that the United States would soon become Brazil’s most important
trading partner—a position China has held since 2009—thus quickly turned
out to be wishful thinking. It also ignored the fact that China’s and Brazil
’s economies are, in many ways, far more compatible than Brazil’s and the
United States’. China is already the destination of around 28 percent of
Brazilian exports—a percentage that is increasing rapidly. Less than half
that figure—13.1 percent—goes to the United States. Brazil’s economy
depends on exports of natural resources and agricultural products. Unlike the
United States, which enjoys sufficient domestic production, China will
continue looking toward Brazilian commodities to feed its industries and
China has been deepening its influence in Latin America’s largest economy
even as Bolsonaro has accused it of wanting to “buy Brazil.” And
ultimately, China, the first target of Trump’s trade war, may be the biggest
beneficiary of the president’s new salvo against Brazilian exports. Already,
Chinese President Xi Jinping has started seeking to convince Brazil’s
president that China is a far more reliable partner than the United States.
In November, Xi raised the number of Brazilian meat plants that are allowed
export to China. The same month, two Chinese state oil companies were the
only foreign bidders in an otherwise disappointing oil auction in Brazil. The
bids came after Bolsonaro personally invited the Chinese to bid during a
visit to Beijing in October.
China has also voiced support for Brazilian foreign policy.China has also
voiced support for Brazilian foreign policy. In September, after Brazil found
itself the target of a storm of global criticism over fires in the Amazon, Qu
Yuhui, from the Chinese Embassy in Brasília, gave an interview to one of
Brazil’s largest newspapers and voiced support for the country’s
environmental policies, a gesture Bolsonaro thanked Xi for during November’s
BRICS Summit in Brasília. And in what observers saw as a swipe at Trump,
Brazil’s president agreed to the final BRICS Summit Declaration, which
includes an emphatic defense of multilateralism and the Paris agreement on
climate change, which Bolsonaro had initially promised to abandon.
Adopting rhetoric that would have been unthinkable during his first months in
office, when he was consistently critical of China, Bolsonaro recently said
that the two countries were “born to walk together” and that China was an “
ever greater part of Brazil’s future.” He even said Brazil would stay out
of the trade war between Washington and Beijing. With the United States
looking like a riskier bet, it is likely that Brazil-China ties will expand
further in the coming years.
All this will complicate Washington’s broader geopolitical ambitions to
reduce China’s influence in the region, particularly when it comes to the
pressure it exerts on Brazil’s government to exclude the Chinese
telecommunications giant Huawei from the 5G bidding process, set to take
place next year. Leading U.S. policymakers have frequently warned Brazil
against allowing the Chinese telecommunications company to build an
ultra-fast 5G cellular network there, even saying that the United States
would have to reassess how much intelligence it could share with Brazil if
Huawei won the bidding process.
But, in no small part thanks to Trump’s recent announcement, Beijing is
quietly winning the geopolitical standoff between China and the United States
in Latin America.
楼主: kwei (光影)   2019-12-15 04:12:00
作者: chungrew (work hard, play hard)   2019-12-15 13:16:00
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作者: ctw01 (0000)   2019-12-15 13:51:00
楼主: kwei (光影)   2019-12-15 13:59:00
作者: chungrew (work hard, play hard)   2019-12-15 15:28:00
作者: ctw01 (0000)   2019-12-15 18:33:00

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