Jotarun (forever)
2018-10-06 09:14:45来源: https://twitter.com/Frodan/status/1048287667153133569
Really disappointing. According to VOD/comments, world champion
Tom60229 and reall were dragged into this by Shaxy/Roger.
The ugly truth is that cheating in online HS has been rampant for
years now. Why do you think Blizzard forces players to go to local
taverns for Playoffs?
This is the one major flaw to the clamor for more “online to
offline” Tour Stop events. So much gray area & unethical behavior
that is practically impossible to catch/call out.
Also why offline Grand Prix 200+ man Swiss events still need to
exist despite HS being an online game.
I’m Taiwanese myself and Tom’s accomplishments in 2017 gave the
Taiwanese people so much hope. After he won Worlds, the TW
community were spamming in chat for hours with pride.
Now the actions of a few have disgraced many including the
greatest player in APAC history. Shame.
- 失望 tom跟reall是被shaxy/roger拉下水的
- 线上赛有很多难抓的作弊方式 线下赛还是必要的
- 自己是台湾人 tom的夺冠让台湾人骄傲
作者: aa01081008tw 2018-10-06 09:49:00
罗杰台哪会消退XD 他的台本来就是白烂干话台.跟道德品行一点关系都没有好吗..过几天出来开台破万人XD
他就嫌嘘不够她刷存在了 你还帮他框起来顺他的意XD
作者: semihumanity (沙漠之狐) 2018-10-06 10:22:00
作者: aa01081008tw 2018-10-06 10:38:00
以为世界冠军是烫就理所当然认为烫是队长XDD 天兵那种看新闻没在玩炉石的路人就别来凑热闹了.真闲XDD连最基本的资讯都能搞错..后面也是凭感觉在乱喷吧
罗杰等回国后应该也会开台澄清 其实只要道歉做好心态转换好 不要太快就开始嘻皮笑脸 应该就不会流失太多观众反正罗杰台都是去看干话的 只要他这个人"不讨厌" 他的干话就还是会有人看
作弊稍安没得利 真的当乖宝宝不会自己去检举还能装个b 就是自己也认同 才蠢到上传想再转流量 坦荡荡你不要删啊 护航护到没脑袋
作者: wasbrianfifa (岛辉) 2018-10-06 11:44:00
126楼 你最好是同侪或同事有作弊都会义无反顾的当抓耙子
奇怪 我们背着的不是中华台北的招牌吗? 国家??连国外这次都以为是中国作弊了 这时扯到国家只有国内的范围而已吧?
作者: mosquitokyoz 2018-10-06 19:15:00
基本上现在这游戏延迟15分还不够大家都在烧线 15分钟还是能参考