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作者: keniori (每年都是一样的愿望) 站内: Gossiping
标题: [爆卦] 驻外代表要求波兰媒体修正新闻内容
时间: Sun Apr 6 01:38:06 2014
A Polish journalist accused Taiwan’s representative office of interfering
with the freedom of the press by requesting a Polish media outlet to retract
a report on protesters’ occupation of the Executive Yuan.
Having published a series of reports on the occupation of the legislature,
the Polish media group Niezalezna — which owns several print and online news
outlets in Poland, including the daily Gazeta Polska Codziennie, the weekly
Gazeta Polska and the monthly Nowe Panstwo — received a letter from the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Bureau in Poland, protesting its use of an
analogy between the occupation of the Executive Yuan compound by protesters
and the consequent violent crackdown by police and the occupation of the
central square, Maidan, in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, by protesters who
were also treated brutally by the police.
While saying that Taiwan is a “robust democracy and the people in Taiwan
enjoy a high degree of freedom of speech,” the representative office still
requested that an “appropriate retraction can be made to present the current
picture of this news story and avoid misunderstanding among people in Poland
and Taiwan,” as “making an analogy between a fully fledged democracy and
the bloodshed that happened in Ukraine” not only presents a “completely
wrong image of Taiwan,” it is also insulting, the letter said.
Hanna Shen, the reporter for the media group who wroted the story, as well as
several other stories on the student occupation of the legislature, said she
was shocked when she received the letter.
“My newspaper has been publishing articles very critical of the governments
of Russia, China and the former Ukrainian government, but we never received
any letter from the representative offices of those countries asking us to
retract anything,” she told the Taipei Times in a telephone interview in
“And those countries can’t be even called democratic,” she added.
“I personally think this letter, as an attempt to influence, to control the
way media in free and democratic Poland writes about Taiwan, is not
acceptable,” she said.
Shen said that the analogy between Taiwan and Maidan was made by several
students taking part in the protest who she interviewed, and that she
believed the analogy was suitable after having personally witnessed unarmed
students, doctors and journalists being beaten by the police when the
government evicted protesters from the Executive Yuan.
“Not to mention that many media outlets around the world — including in
Germany and in the US — have also made the same analogy in their reports,”
Shen said.
“I wonder if the Taiwanese government has also asked them to retract the
analogy,” Shen added.
When asked for a response, Zhang Ming-zhong (张铭忠), director-general of
European affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the ministry’
s overseas mission would issue a rebuttal in the event of biased reports.
As for the particular case concerning the Polish journalist’s complaint,
Zhang said he is in the midst of contacting the representative office to
better understand the matter.
人家国家报导 俄国、中国这些共产非民主都没事