Re: [OS] CPU utilization

楼主: kendegi (啃德姬奶奶)   2018-05-10 22:51:14
※ 引述《garnettooo (绝代风华贾奈特)》之铭言:
Consider the system running ten tasks and one CPU bound task.Assume that
the I/O bound tasks issue an I/O operation once for every millisecond of
CPU computing and that each I/O operation takes 10 millisecond to complete.
Also assume that the context switching overhead is 0.1 millisecond and
that all processes are long-running tasks. What is the CPU utilization for
RR scheduler when:
(1)time quantum=1 millisecond
(2)time quantum= 10 millisecond
可以了解CPU burst(T)=1, I/O=10,context switch=0.1
(1)第一题没有问题,因为T=Q,所以CPU utilization=T/S+T=1/1+0.1=1/1.1
作者: nakabin (日落)   2018-05-17 19:33:00
考完就荒废了不太确定,不过如果我没想错应该是像这样吧(我假设每个I/O burst tasks一次都只花1ms糟糕,本来写T后面不小心写成P了XD总之那个代表I/O的 叉叉是context switch
作者: garnettooo (绝代风华贾奈特)   2018-05-17 23:03:00
作者: nakabin (日落)   2018-05-18 03:19:00
蛤 我写的意思是一个cpu burst啊 C的那格就是 跑10ms 后面一个一个小格的是I/O 1~10号
作者: garnettooo (绝代风华贾奈特)   2018-05-18 14:50:00

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