[问卦] 有没有EM Drive的八卦?

楼主: L0v35 (是零不是歐)   2015-05-02 02:18:17
New Test Suggests NASA's "Impossible" EM Drive Will Work In Space - The EM
appears to violate conventional physics and the law of conservation of
momentum; the engine converts electric power to thrust without the need for
any propellant by bouncing microwaves within a closed container.
EM Drive不靠著作用力与反作用力来在空间中移动,靠着微波在封闭的区块
The EM Drive’s thrust was due to the Quantum Vacuum.
This latest development shows it working in a vacuum.
现在发现EM Drive在真空中也能产生推力
前几天就有看到类似的东西 现在连NASA的工程师都出来讲话惹
版上有没有物理很厉害的大大有研究? NASA应该没有在做直销吧?
有没有EM Drive的八挂?
作者: xlaws (Xlaws)   2015-05-02 02:19:00
作者: neo5277 (I am an agent of chaos)   2015-05-02 02:22:00
曲速引擎啊 理论物理要达成很难啊
作者: GaRx (CRoSS_Sakura)   2015-05-02 02:22:00
作者: iceyeman (Xen)   2015-05-02 04:43:00
看他们很高兴就是了 不知道有多屌?

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