Godhas56 (打电话问功夫主持优文哥)
2014-06-12 16:46:03先不要理CCR了..
: David并说听到很多关于自己不好的传闻,甚至骂他是“有钱的种族歧视男,到处传播爱
: 滋给女人”,他特地透过《苹果》提出3点声明,强调自己不有钱,旅行花费都是以前工
: 作存来的、没有种族歧视,他在美国的亲密朋友大部分都是亚洲人、还有自己并没有爱滋
: 病。(饶伟生、施旖婕/台北报导)
: 以下为David受访原文
: Alex and me, we do nothing bad. Talking to girls is not a crime. Making girls
: laugh is not a crime.
: The only reason people get mad is - they're jealous.
: they're jealous, they're shy, they're sad inside. They wish they can talk to
: a girl...but they do not, and instead watch porn on the computer and send ME
依我国小程度 多亿200分程度的英文......
instead 后面接 名词or动名词吧?
: facebook messages that i'm going to get killed