2014-11-18 15:22:28※ 引述《si4410dy (si4410dy)》之铭言:
: 113.
: In A.D. 391,[ resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the
: acient world at Alexandria,] later generations lost all but the Iliad and
: Odyssey among Greek epics, most of the poetry of Pindar and Sappho, and dozens
: of plays by Aeschylus and Euripides
: 想问关于这题的E
: E)Alexandria's largest library of the ancient world was destroyed, and the
: result was
: 看到解答说明这个选项是run on 但是想请问,and 不能算是conj吗?
the result was后面还有另外一组主词动词, 也就是later generations lost
: 另一题
: 25. (25704-!-item-!-188;#058&002607)
: There is a widespread belief in the United States and Western Europe that
: young people have [ a smaller commitment to work and a career than their
: parents and grandparents ] and that the source of the change lies in the
: collapse of the "work ethic."
: (C) a smaller commitment to work and a career than that of their parents and
: grandparents
: (D) less of a commitment to work and a career than their parents and
: grandparents had
: 想请问c选项 我是看到that of 就把他理解为是young people的commitment to work
: and career和grandparents的commitment to work and career做比较 而且有
: that...and that 看起来比d选项更平行 所以就选c了
比较对象应该是young people和 their parents and grandparents
: D选项 为什么不会有后面and that没有平行对象的问题? 是因为是不强迫但补出更好吗?
: 麻烦大家帮忙解惑了 谢谢
简单介绍一下, 比较结构讲究平衡对称, 所以D选项比较结构前后句还原如下:
1. young people have a commitment to work and a career
2. their parents and grandparents had (a commitment to work and a career)
比较结构有个重要观念, 就是后句出现前句相同资讯可以省略,
但是省略之后词性不能动, 还原回来也才会平衡对称,
但是C选项的of其实在语意上和前句的have是一样的, 表达“有”的含义,
但是of是介系词, 还原回来不可能变成动词have