# 公司名称:KRONOS(麒点科技有限公司)
# 公司统编:50787692
# 公司地址:台北市信义区松高路1号
# 公司网址:https://kronostoken.com/
# 公司介绍:
KRONOS is not just another company. You are not just another applicant. Those
with top-notch creativity and logical reasoning abilities, those who dare to
think they can change this world and those who seek the truth no matter the
hours or the difficulty – you are strongly encouraged to apply.
KRONOS leverages more than a decade of successful trading experience at the
world’s most elite trading institutions (Citadel Securities, Tower Research,
Virtu) to democratize access to the quantitative hedge fund space. This is
your chance to work with some of the world’s most talented quantitative
trading talent without having to move overseas.
# 职缺:Quantitative Trader (Quant)
# 工作内容:
As a KRONOS Quant, you will gain valuable insights into the elite world of
hedge funds and quantitative trading by developing risk/research and
execution infrastructure to handle various asset classes and strategies (from
high frequency to fundamental) and can research and develop alphas. For
talented quants, you will be able to advance rapidly as we have a flat
organization and rewards are based solely on merit.
# 职缺能力经历要求:
* Strong knowledge of probability, statistics, and machine learning
* Creativity is key: we need to constantly be coming up with new solutions
to old problems
* Intermediate/advanced programming skills in C++, Python, Linux, Machine
Learning or similar
* Effective communicator and eager to work with others
* We would like to see some background in machine learning, data analysis,
or financial markets for applicants in this role
* 年资不限
# 员工是否需自备工具:否,使用公司电脑
# 薪资(月薪):NTD90,000~NTD200,000
# 薪资(保证最低年薪):12个月
# 年终奖金计算方式:Based on performance
# 每日工作时间:
* 建议时间09:00~18:00,中午休息一个小时(12:00~13:00),八个小时
* 上班/下班时间弹性,可以依据个人需求前后调整
# 每周工作时间:8(小时/日) * 5(日/周) = 40(小时/周)
# 加班费制度:加班费比照劳动基准法办理
# 工作福利:
* 优于劳动基准法的休假制度(年度一至三周,自由安排)
* 供应午餐
* 供应零食、饮料
# 人资/征才联络方式:
* 英文履历
* 欢迎高手们将履历寄至:[email protected](Verna Huang)