[情报] Gasly: 自宣布退役后 Alonso更具侵略性

楼主: hondasho (本田)   2018-09-03 21:56:38
由于在意大利GP正赛时的碰撞,Gasly 认为 Alonso 自从宣布将离开 F1 界后,变得“更
在稍早的排位赛,Alonso 曾和 Magnussen 产生冲突。而在正赛时,又和 Gasly 发生激
Alonso 将在本季结束后离开 F1 这件事,Gasly 认为可能影响到两届世界冠军车手的驾
驶风格,并借由搭载 Honda 动力的 Toro Rosso 来发泄对于日本制造商在 McLaren 时期
“我想我可以确定,自从 Alonso 知道他明年将不会待在 F1 后,他的行径有一点不一样
。看起来他变得比过去更具侵略性。”Gasly 表示。
“而在今天,Alonso 的行为显然并不是很公平。我们知道,当我们在竞争时,要留点空
间给对手,但今天的 Alonso 并没有这么做。”
“尽管我们知道他并不是很喜欢我们,因为我们有 Honda 引擎。”
这起事故(转播单位并没有播放),发生于安全车回去后的比赛恢复正常期间,当时 Gasly
正企图超越 Alonso,以取得第 10 名的席次。
但 Gasly 却在第一个 chicane 被迫挤出赛道,因此导致赛车底盘的受损,失去大量的下
“基本上,我们在安全车回去后,是并排进 1 号弯的,我走到外侧,但他完全将我推出

Gasly 终场取得第15位的成绩,Alonso 则是遭遇到电子系统故障而退赛。
被问到是否会将这起事故呈报给 Charlie Whiting,Gasly 表示:“不会,因为这无法改
“或许待会或是在新加坡有遇到时,我会去找 Fernando。但他们给他判罚,也不会改变
Alonso "even more aggressive" after deciding F1 exit - Gasly
Pierre Gasly has criticised Fernando Alonso after their clash in the Italian G
rand Prix, claiming that the Spaniard has become “even more aggressive” sinc
e announcing his Formula 1 exit.
Alonso drew the ire of Kevin Magnussen earlier in the weekend by trying to pas
s the Dane during a crucial moment in qualifying – and then left Gasly incens
ed with a robust defence in the race.
The Spaniard will leave F1 at the end of the season, and Gasly claimed this ha
s impacted the two-time champion's driving, while also suggesting Alonso had a
bone to pick with the Honda-powered Toro Rosso cars after his torrid stint wo
rking with the Japanese engine manufacturer at McLaren.
“I think for sure his approach is a bit different because he knows he's not g
oing to be in Formula 1 next year,” Gasly said. “Looks like he's even more a
ggressive than he used to be.
“And yeah, for me today what he did wasn't fair, and we know that if you are
alongside you need to give the space of one car, and today he didn't.
“I know he doesn't like us because we have the Honda engine, but nevertheless
The incident, which was not shown in full on the TV feed, took place after the
early-race safety car restart, as Gasly attempted to pass Alonso for 10th pla
The Frenchman was forced to bounce over the kerbs inside the first chicane and
said the run-in resulted in a “massive” loss of downforce for his STR13.
“Basically, we came after the safety car into Turn 1 side by side, I went on
the outside and he pushed me completely out of the track.
“I tried to stay as on track as much as I could, but he just didn't leave me
the space, I had to jump over the kerb and then he also touched me and complet
ely damaged all the right side of my floor.
“[It] was only on the right side so from right to left corner [it] was differ
“I was losing already downforce when I was by myself, but following other car
s with the extra loss of downforce, was impossible to really get close. It was
a long, long Sunday.”
Gasly went on to finish the race in 15th, whereas Alonso retired with an elect
ronics failure shortly after the encounter.
Asked whether he spoke to F1 race director Charlie Whiting about the incident,
Gasly said: “No. Honestly it's not going to change anything.
“Maybe I will probably go to see Fernando if I see him today or in Singapore.
But at the end of the day they can give him a penalty, it's not going to chan
ge my race.”
作者: gogoto990 (超级喜欢陈俊秀)   2018-09-03 22:12:00
作者: syong (BEN)   2018-09-03 22:15:00
作者: bitassault (GG inin der)   2018-09-03 22:18:00
作者: s7024546 (巴哈无伴奏前奏曲)   2018-09-03 22:18:00
看到H logo归懒趴伙
作者: jerryklu (鲁凯)   2018-09-03 22:31:00
https://streamable.com/ram6k 事故现场Gasley车载
作者: chi17 (米虫就是米虫)   2018-09-03 22:36:00
作者: Scape (non)   2018-09-03 22:38:00
作者: kissfish (兰居岳)   2018-09-03 22:58:00
车载打脸Gas 哈
作者: c60203 (只看周日正赛的一日迷)   2018-09-03 23:05:00
作者: JSFS (小斑马)   2018-09-03 23:15:00
哈哈哈哈GAS这个move不就ALO Q2那个move,现在就变成低级失误了!
作者: c60203 (只看周日正赛的一日迷)   2018-09-03 23:17:00
现在?J大你是不是误会了什么 Q2那个应该是ALO美送搞回去GAS这连续两次如果是“故意的” 就令我佩服影片看了吗?以J大你赛事经验能否讲一下这应该要过的去吗?
作者: JSFS (小斑马)   2018-09-03 23:34:00
作者: c60203 (只看周日正赛的一日迷)   2018-09-03 23:36:00
这种情况宣布退休的冠军车手你还期待他留情面给晚辈?请问J大 就影片来看 Gas这两个弯能不能被当低级失误?两个弯刚好同场都有成功超车案例 VET守HAM失败 HAM超KIMI
作者: Shower360 (Shower360)   2018-09-04 00:09:00
作者: LesBleus (法 蓝 鸡)   2018-09-04 04:32:00
作者: airforce1101 (我不宅)   2018-09-04 06:14:00
作者: homerunball   2018-09-04 06:28:00
看的出来gas赌烂阿龙 不过这两个的火花应该没啥票房
作者: martin1007 (龙皮)   2018-09-04 07:27:00
呵呵 alo马上就报应退赛 龙粉双标洗洗睡还低级失误咧呵呵
作者: makurapart (睡到自然醒)   2018-09-04 07:44:00
alo还是快走吧到处惹事 一点都没有令人尊敬的感觉
作者: c60203 (只看周日正赛的一日迷)   2018-09-04 07:45:00
隔壁棚被当猴黑 这边被当龙粉 V黑快要连一日车迷都称不上的我真荣幸
作者: bgflyer (sephiroth)   2018-09-04 09:19:00
作者: c60203 (只看周日正赛的一日迷)   2018-09-04 09:37:00
每次有争议发生 都会有经验谈的讨论 怎么这次就变成以推文的内容讨论啊是不好说 还是有其他因素不能说呢
作者: manpower0166   2018-09-04 10:52:00
作者: scccc   2018-09-04 13:18:00
作者: silencepap (p p)   2018-09-04 17:42:00

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