Re: [考题]英文问题

楼主: blueprince (Back)   2016-06-20 08:51:08
※ 引述《luke1024 (doraemon)》之铭言:
: [考题] 国考历届考题与考题观念讨论(书里看到的选这个)请附上想法、出处
: 各位先进好,在下最近在准备五等与邮局内勤柜台业务的考试,近日练习志X在考场
: 发的考猜,发现有部分英文题不甚了解,望各位卧虎藏龙的高手们赐教在下,不才必
: 不胜感激!
小弟不才 先提供一些自己的看法 欢迎大家一起讨论
其实英文科需要的是"仔细" 细心看题目 才不会在小地方掉分数
: No.1
: We need to balance ________ with their company by the end of this month.
: (A)paycheck (B)funds (C)checks (D)accounts
: 答案:(D) 疑问:account是帐户的意思,但balance accounts是指平衡帐目的意思吗?望高
: 手解答!
balance accounts也有结算 结清的意思
: No.2
: When you deposit a check, you will need to ________ it.
: (A) endorse (B)confirm (C)enclose (D)enrich
: 答案:(C) 疑问:我查字典(C)enclose是指围绕、关闭住解,(A)endorse是指在支票背书
: (B)confirm是确保之意(D)指使其丰富化,但把(C)套进去觉得整句很怪,是解答错了吗
: ?还是我理解有错误?好困惑。
这题如果是endorse(签发支票) 那么前面的介系词应该是用Before
enclose除了围绕 也有封起来的意思 这里应该是指"用信封装好"
(题外话 enclose也有"随函附上"的意思)
: No.3
: Every year Canadian __________ about 75 percent of their exports to the
: United States.
: (A)businesses that sell (B)selling businesses (C)businesses sell (D)that sell
: to businesses
: 答案:(C) 疑问:我选(A),只差一个that,that是可以省略还是本来就不该有的呢? 还
: 有,75 percent,
: 75个百分比,75是复数,为何percent不用加s呢?我知道这是笨问题,但我好想知道喔
: !
这里并不需要用任何的关系子句 他就是一个简单的直述句
主词是Canadian businesses 动词是sell 直接受词about... 介系词to 间接受词USA
至于percent不加s "个人觉得"是跟fish不加es一样 代表一种集合名词的概念
(基本上记得percent大多不加s就好 以上观念请版友指证)
: No.4
: The creature in the novel is an alien ________ language no one understands
: (A) whom (B)which (C)that (D)whose
: 答案:(D) 疑问:我选(C),不行吗?that不是可以替换许多关代如:whom、which、who吗
: ?
所有格关系代名词 跟关系代名词是不一样的
: No.5
: The _______ you work, the _______ you will succeed.
: (A)harder, more possible (B) harder, more possibly (C)hard, more possibly (D)
: hard, possible
: 答案:(B) 疑问:我知道(C)(D)必错,但不懂为何要用副词,莫非是要修饰动词succeed吗
: ?
hard修饰work possibly修饰succeed
: No.6 cloze
: How to live longer is a topic that has fascinated mankind for centuries.
: According to a landmark study of nearly 7,000 adults in the United States,
: women can add up to seven years to their lives and men eleven to twelve years
: by following seven simple health practices :(1)Don’t smoke.(2)If you drink,
: do so only moderately. (3)Eat breakfast regularly. (4)Don’t eat between
: meals. (5)Maintain normal weight. (6)Sleep about eight hours a night.
: (7)Exercise regularly.
: Cutting calories may be __________ most significant life-style change you can
: make. Experiments have shown that in laboratory animals, a 40 percent calorie
: reduction leads to a 50 percent extension in longevity. “Eating less has a
: more profound effect on the aging process than does any other life-style
: change, “says a professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center.
: “It is the only factor we know of in laboratory animals that is an
: anti-aging factor.”
: (A) one another (B)one of the (C)the other (D)the single
: 答案:(D) 疑问:我选(B),请高手解答!
如果选B 那么后面应该是life-style change"s"
但这里是单数的change 所以答案是D
: No.7-9 cloze 不知诸位热心的英文高手能把以下段落翻译成中文给本人明白,在下不胜
: 感激。
Thomas Glass是公共健康领域的教授,他在灾难引起的社会反应这个议题上,已经进行了
: Professor Thomas Glass is an expert in public health, who has studied social
: responses to disasters for more than a decade. When he was asked ____7_____
: disaster brings out the worst in people, he said the following. “The answer
: has to be no. In fact disasters tend to bring out the best in us. From an
: evolutionary point of view, it almost has to be this way. As recent as our
: grandparents’ _____8____ and going back 150,000 years to the beginning of
: human kind, disasters were a dime a dozen. Human beings survived ice ages,
: famine, attacks from rival groups, predation from animals, infection

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