看集团要怎么分配,新大牛确定是用全新设计的V12自然进气引擎,VAG集团不会有其它车会使用这颗引擎,ꀲ024 LMDh比赛用车Lambo是和法国合作新V8 turbo引擎,原厂可能想跟集团做分别,SUV应该就会继续资源共用。小牛销售量是原厂旗下车款中仅次于Urus,新车肯定会做些差异分野,要用旧引擎再战十年肯定不可能。五年后集团几乎开始全面电动化,油车除了保时捷和林宝集团内其它厂不可能再始用燃油车引擎。Lamborghini developing new V8 turbo engine for 2024 LMDh carLamborghini is developing an all-new twin-turboV8 for its LMDh prototype that will begin racing in the World Endurance Championship and IMSA SportsCar Championship in 2024.
https://i.imgur.com/u2KQaPs.jpgelement of the car’s hybrid powertrain were announcedon Monday along with the release of a further teaserimage of the Lamborghini LMDh being developed in conjunction with French constructor Ligier Automotive.