需求: 希望为西班牙男性, 因为需要正统西班牙语音. 因此希望能以西班牙人为主
时间: 基本上一次一小时,可能会有数次但不会同天,录制时间可再讨论尽量配合
地点: 安静不吵杂的地点即可,以方便录制声音
薪水: 1000 / 小时
联络方式:[email protected]
Seeking a native Spanish speaker to do voice recording based on
pre-defined scripts.
Candidates from Spain is preferred.
One hour per time, and may take several times in different days depending
on the recording progress and quality. Any quiet place is feasible
Hourly rate is NTD 1000
Feel free to contact [email protected] if you're interested