To tell the truth, it's really not that easy to have English speakers to talk with.
It's ok and I am fine with that but I don't get that why people prefer typing to voice chats. How can we expect to improve the English speaking without practice? I just don't get it. Or compared with practicing hard, it is easier to say that "my English is poor?" I even tried to have a chat with some speakers from different countries but they don't speak English fluently because they are not from English speaking countries. Sigh.......I really don't want to pay the money to go to " language centers" or
something like that on the net. OK, it's just my negative feelings and you guys may well ignore it.
I'm one of those who prefers typing haha.However, it's not that I really prefer typing.Talking on the phone definitely is gonna be a lothelpful most of the time. For me, the reason why I'd rather choose the former is due to my lack offlency and unfamiliarity with English. Thus, I needflency and unfamiliarity with English. Thus, I needlike 15 to 30 seconds to make a complete sentenceand sometimes it takes even more time. And youimagine how awkward the conversations are gonna belike. A lot of pauses and incomplete sentences makethe session not as helpful as expected.Of course I hope that I'll keep improving myEnglish to the level of articulating my ideassmoothly. I always admire and respect someone whocan have no major problems with speaking. I guessit's not about the ways of enhancing English buthow to make it work efficiently and effectively.Anyway, no offense, keep typing and keep talking.XD
作者: aquamoose (飞天水麋鹿) 2015-08-23 01:27:00
I think the problem is that people are worriedabout the flow of the conversation.For some, it takes time to think abou twhat to sayor how to say it, and it might put some people offBut I do agree that speaking works better than typiI think its better to find foreigners to practiceeven if English is not their first language, sinceit will force you to communicate in EnglishAnyways, hope you find someone to talk to
Why not you two talk to me?XD
Yeah.. it's not easy to flow smoothly andcontinuously.
I can talk to you guys! :Dbut I also prefer texting over voice chat simply because it's more convenient for me as I live in aplace that has a 12 hour difference to Taiwan
@allen, I am fine with that coz I have talks withWith friends overseas. That is never a problem.
oh really? but is it Ok for you to stay up for abit later or wake up a bit earlier?
作者: f31415214 2015-08-28 08:50:00
seems like you guys are pretty good at writing! Forme, it's totally opposite as my speaking is alwaysbetter than my writing...sigh...