Hey, how are you?
I just want to find someone to talk(typing) to on Line.
I'm interested in TV shows(basically American TV shows.), movies, novels, and
music…well, a lot of things.
We can chat about everything. Depends on you…or me, whatever. We can ramble a
nd ramble, I'm okay with it. As long as we keep using English.
And assume we've added each other on Line, you find out that you don't want to
continue the conversation between us anymore. For whatever reason, feel free
to say good bye.
For the record, I might do the same thing to you. But don't take it the wrong
way. It might because I think we have ran out of things to say. And it's defin
itely cool. No pressure.
If you are interested, please leave your Line ID below or mail it to me throug
h PTT.
Wish you all have a good day. :D