1.The victim of the car crash could have been saved had it not been ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 这是什么意思、句型?! for the callous inaction of those bystanders. 2."callous indifference" callous & indifference 本来就都是冷漠无情(的)的意思,只是一个是adj.一个是N. 两个加在一起是有强调意味吗? 3.Customer service automation subjects a message to semantic analysis to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ extract its general meaning,... subject 的动词意思 使臣服、征服、压服,那么subject a message是什么意思勒?! *曾经有人指点我学英文不要管中译,可是像"subject a message", 查了字典subject的中文意思,还是不了它整个词组的意思,如果不管中文,要怎么 了解,...靠常翻书去经验累积、揣测吗?!