※ 引述《dfast (d宅)》之铭言:
: The product was released in 2012.
: The product was relased last week/month/year.
: The product is now released.
: 请问表达过去事物时,都是一定要用过去式吗?
: 如果是用描述方式,不能用现在式吗?
1. Did you finish the report?
Yes, it's done. 你只是想表达报告已完成这个事实
Yes, it was done 2 days ago. 你想表达报告两天前就已经完成.
2. 假设有种玩具叫做xxx
xxx is made in Germany. 表达的是所有这类型玩具都是在德国制造
Jason has a xxx and it was made in Germany.
也就是当专指特定某个对象时, 多半会用过去式.
3. 过去式还能表达某件事在过去是一个事实, 但现在已经不是这么一回事
比如 This car was made in Germany from 1900 to 1960.