[求译] Demonstrate an analytical temperament.

楼主: pinjose (jose)   2016-08-10 17:56:42
Demonstrate an analytical temperament. Our current culture encourages ideologi
cal predisposition and rigidity.? We are invited to have an opinion without fi
rst having a full command of the facts.? Resist the temptation to prescribe be
fore you analyse.? Dean Acheson understood how hard this is, "I was a frustrat
ed schoolteacher, persisting against overwhelming evidence to the contrary in
the belief that the human mind could be moved by facts and reason."
特别是大标题demonstrate an analytical
temperament 不太理解这几个字凑一起怎么翻。
楼主: pinjose (jose)   2016-08-15 10:35:00
作者: gentianpan   2016-08-11 22:04:00

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