[单字] given有"因为"的意思?

楼主: posthumous (pardon)   2016-05-06 11:22:03
Well, I'm not really sure you wanna learn about my educational background,
given that I was a poor student growing up.
我看中文翻译,后半段是写: 因为我从来不是个模范生
作者: softseaweed (Gladys von Wackenheim)   2016-05-06 11:27:00
google: preposition. "taking into account"
作者: aq7778 (Eddyyyy)   2016-05-06 14:09:00
我会翻 有鉴于
作者: tomokazu ( )   2016-05-06 19:44:00
中英辞典有时候会被他的中文侷限 用英英辞典比较理想
作者: vinousred (Count of Tuscany)   2016-05-06 19:55:00
作者: ntust661 (TOEFL_5!)   2016-05-06 20:06:00
这样ok吗 ...background ,because my background is given that I ...他应该想说他的背景show出来不好看吧以上纯属猜测0.0
作者: xuuvup   2016-05-06 21:37:00
"Given that" is a conjunction. It means "in consideration of the fact that"
作者: dashihito (James)   2016-05-06 23:18:00
就我所知,given that比较像if;now that才像because
作者: kaifrankwind (大师兄)   2016-05-07 00:00:00
vinousred: 谈数学的时候 可以有鉴于稍正式了点(除非透过声音表情知道是在做效果)"考量到" 我会这么讲 考量到我过去求学表现并不出色(而通常想了解别人求学背景应是想找正面突出的表现吧) 我猜你不会很想知道我那样的过去吧?"考量到"算是"因为"的某一种情况 后者更泛用 在这句里也更通顺 只是字典很难把所有同个单字可能的译法都列出来
作者: kee32 (终于毕业了)   2016-05-07 08:55:00
感觉given that可能性比if高一点,接近"在那前提下"的感觉
作者: bbbtri (cycling)   2016-05-07 13:19:00
作者: tacada (enlightment)   2016-05-07 15:43:00
以下全部节录自Garner的MAU,At the head of a statement(most commonly), given is an age-old shorthand wayof saying “assuming as a fact” or “with [the thingstated] supplied as a basis for reasoning.” If whatfollows given is a mere phrase (without a verb),given appears alone—e.g.: “Given her high position,she does have opposition.” Larry Whitham, “Episcop-alians Brace for Divisive Sessions,” Wash. Times, 13July 1997, at A4. But if a clause follows (with averb), a that should accompany given—e.g.: “Giventhat he was a medical student at Brown before turningto professional hockey, Bill McKay might be expectedto be a quick study.” Peter Barrouquere, “McKayLearns How to Wing It,” Times-Picayune (New Orleans), 26 Nov. 1997, at C3. Cf. provided.
作者: kee32 (终于毕业了)   2016-05-07 16:17:00
作者: vinousred (Count of Tuscany)   2016-05-07 17:53:00

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