在跟时间有关的句子中,"up to" 的确有可能被解释为 "upuntil",不过若当 "up until" 解的话,跟在其后的应会是"a particular/specific point in time or the eventmentioned",我们来看看“朗文英语联想活用辞典”对此的说明:〝If something happens 'up until' or 'up to' aparticular time, date etc, it happens continuouslybefore that time but no longer happens after thattime.〞,例句: She continued to write poetry, up tothe day she died.; 而 "up to" 在跟时间有关的句子中当"not more than" 解释时,跟在其后的通常会是 a generalterm covering a span of timeCCALD 8th对此的说明为: amount "You use 'up to' tosay how large something can be or what level it hasreached.", 例句: It could be up to two years beforethe process is complete.LDOCE 对此的说明为: "as much or as many as a certainamount or number but not more",例句: a process thatcan take anything up to ten daysODE对此的说明为: "indicating a maximum amount",例句:the process is expected to take up to two years因此,综上所述,若原po这句话要做1.来解释的话,它长的应该会像下面这两个网页中有出现 "up to" 的句子,节录其中一句: "Currently, such alterations may only be madeup to the fifth day before the day of poll."参考网址: 1.
http://tinyurl.com/jmeeps3 (最下面两句)2.
http://tinyurl.com/zk8grqa (第74点的最后一句话)(P.S. 皆为政府网站,一为美国、一为英国)