kee32 (终于毕业了)
2016-04-15 01:34:01用高行健的玩法 可以分裂成三个自己
不爽的自己(A) 对愿意倾听的自己(B) 抱怨讲不听的自己(C)
A是第一人称 B是第二 C是第三
A: You see that? That bastard never has confidence.
B: But you have to teach him, or give him more time.
A: Useless, he's fucked up.
B: No, he just needs more time.
C: Guys, who are you talking about?
A: Shut the fuxx up, you...
B: OK. Don't be like that, be nice.
A: You think he can trust in himself?
B: Yes.
A: Trust in yourself, man.
C: OK. I will.
大概是这种感觉 三个人都是自己 (你要说本我超我自我一起讨论也行啦)
很疯狂 很有趣~~~