※ 引述《wifemonkey (猴子婆)》之铭言:
: My name is XXX. Thank you very much for giving me a chance for an
: interview.
: I received a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from XXX University.
: Aside from my major, I had studied Japanese in Waseda Japanese language
^^ at the L
: school and received a certificate of The Japanese Language Proficiency Test
S Japanese language proficiency - The
: Level 2.
JLPT Level 2.
: I worked at family member’s company as an accounting assistant for one year.
^ a
: Then I was employed in researching, calming and resolving client conflicts as a
(1) ^^^^^(2), (3)
: customer service specialist and recommending, selecting and helping locate
^ a , (3)
: merchandise based on customer needs and desire as a sales assistant for Merck
: Ltd., Taiwan for eight momthes.
: I possess strong language, communication and problem solving skills. Also I
: am proactive and ready to learn anything needed.
. 后面删除
: I believe that my skills and experiences make me an excellent candidate for this
: position.
: Thank your for your time and attention. I welcome any questions or comments
: you might have.
(1) 句子太长,虽然两份工作都在 Merck 还是可以分成两句。
(2) calming... client conflicts 还蛮怪的,如果写给英文母语人士看我会毫不犹豫
改成 managing,但给台湾主管看 managing a conflict 妳会不会被误认为 "主管" 一个
conflict XD
(3) Oxford comma 有人认为不必,我个人认为要。