Present simple 现在式的用法
我在台湾教英文的时候就一直很赌烂 present simple 被翻成"现在式",然后就一堆学生
[Present simple (或 simple present) 的 "simple" 是指动词形态 simple,用法可是
一点都不 simple 呀~~]
以下解释请佐 服用
present simple 用途1:重复性行动 (可以说习惯拉)
如 I play tennis, I play tennis every day, I play tennis on Mondays...
也就是说这用法可以搭配 every morning, every day, every 12 months 等
而不能搭配具指定性且不重复的时间词,如 today, this morning, 等
逻辑上来说就是 tense 已经表示是重复性行动了,时间词就不可以跟"重复性"矛盾
(例外是 nagative: the train does NOT leave at 9am = 火车并不在9点发车)
I wear my contacts today 与这一点冲突。
present simple 用途2: 事实
重点在于说话者认为这事实 "... was true before, is true now, and will be true
in the future." 换句话说就是这事实超越时间 (XD)
I wear my contacts today 与这一点冲突
present simple 用途3: 短期未来(已无变量)的计画
I wear my contacts today 跟这用途完全无关
present simple 用途4: 现在 (仅限 non-continuous verbs)
说话者表示某_状况_正在发生或现在没有发生,仅限 non-continuous verbs 以及某些
mixed verbs
non-continuous verbs 包括
abstract verbs - to be , to want, to cost, to seem, to need...
possession verbs - to possess, to own, to belong...
emotion verbs - to like, to love, to hate, to dislike...
mixed verbs 叫做 mixed 是因为有时 normal 有时 non-continuous,但用在 normal
时的意义与 non-continuous 时不一样(!!)
mixed verbs 包括 to appear, to feel, to have, to hear, to look (!!)...
I wear my contacts today 与这用法冲突,因为 wear 不是 non-continuous
[I look ... today 则不冲突,因为 look 是 mixed verb,有时可以当作 non-
continuous 使用。]